c++ - linked list with unique pointers being used as type -
i'm having problem getting linked list (it's square list) passing tests have been given professor, , i'm not sure i'm supposed do. here's code: /** linkedlist class declaration. */ template <typename t> class linkedlist; template <class tnode> class iterator { /* helper class provide pointer facilities around node */ friend class linkedlist<typename tnode::value_type>; tnode* pnode; //the node oriented instance of iterator. //iterator(tnode* _pnode) : pnode(_pnode) {} public: iterator(tnode* _pnode) : pnode(_pnode) {} using value_type = typename tnode::value_type; //using size_type = std::size_type; using pointer = tnode*; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using reference = value_type&; using iterator = iterator<tnode>; using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; .............removed unneeded code............... value_type get() { retur...