design - Not mutating trees in Haskell -
i'm teaching myself haskell; let say, purely sake of argument, i'm writing compiler in haskell. have ast, defined like:
data node = block { contents :: [node], vars :: map string variable } | vardecl { name :: string } | varassign { name :: string, value :: node, var :: variable } | varref { name :: string, var :: variable } | literal { value :: int }
each block
stack frame. wish resolve variable references.
in world mutable data, way i'd is:
- walk tree keeping track of recent
nodes; @ each one, i'd addvariable
. - walk tree again, looking
nodes. each time see one, i'd variable in stack frame chain , annotate ast node correspondingvariable
now, whenever i'm doing work on tree, , come across varref
, know precisely variable
being referred to.
of course, in haskell i'd need different approach, due tree not being mutable. naive approach rewrite tree.
declarevariables block contents _ = block { contents = declarevariables contents, vars = createvariablesfor (findvariablesinblock contents) } declarevariables varassign name value var = varassign name (declarevariables value) var declarevariables literal = literal ...etc... findvariablesinblock vardecl name = [name] findvariablesinblock block contents _ = [] findvariablesinblock varassign name value _ = findvariablesinblock value ...etc...
(all code untested , purely illustrative purposes.)
but pretty gruesome; end walking tree twice, once find block
s , once find vardecl
s, , there's awful lot of boilerplate. plus, given variable
isn't mutable, there's limited amount of use annotating nodes 1 in first place --- can't usefully annotate variable
without rewriting whole tree again.
alternative a: make mutable. i've got tree of stref
s , has live inside st
monad. side effect, code smells.
alternative b: don't try store in same data structure. have separate storage of stackframe
, variable
structures, , build these when walk tree, leaving ast untouched. except means can't map varref
, whole point of exercise. create varref variable
lookup table... that's gruesome, too.
what's haskell-idiom way of solving kind of problem?
perhaps (as code, untested , intended illustrative purposes):
data node var = block { contents :: [node] } | vardecl { name :: var } | varassign { name :: var, value :: node } | varref { name :: var } | literal { value :: int }
the idea of above type ast nodes parameterized information store variables. after mere parse, store variable names (so have type node string
); there name resolution phase converts them references of other kind (so produce type node variable
). thus:
data genvar genvar :: string -> genvar variable genvar = undefined type environment = map string variable resolvenames :: environment -> node string -> maybet genvar (node variable) resolvenames env ast = case ast of vardecl name -> mzero -- variable declarations serve no purpose after variables have been resolved varassign name value -> varassign <$> lookup name env <*> pure value varref name -> varref <$> lookup name env literal value -> literal <$> pure value block contents -> vars <- mapm (lift . genvar) names -- union left-biased, overwrite old variables -- (if language can refer outer scopes, need -- more exciting environment [map string variable]) let env' = fromlist (zip names vars) `union` env block <$> mapm (resolvenames env') stmts (decls, stmts) = partition isdecl contents names = map name decls isdecl vardecl{} = true isdecl _ = false
i left variable generation part, turn variable name more structured representation of variable, (since said little want variable
type like). few examples: 1 might choose variable
kind of mutable reference, , genvar
suitable mutability monad; or alternately perhaps variable
, genvar
supply monad.
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