excel - VBA vlookup formula error -
i newbie in excel macro vba. have problem on vlookup code refers workbook selected user.
here's code:
private sub vlookups() dim data_file_new string dim integer dim string, b string, path string data_file_new = cstr(application.getopenfilename(filefilter:="excel workbooks (*.xls*),*.xls*", title:="select new data file vlookup")) path = data_file_new = "=vlookup(a:a,'[" & path & "]source'!$a:$ab,28,0)" b = "=vlookup(a:a,'[" & path & "]source'!$a:$aj,36,0)" = 7 until sheets("macro template").cells(i, 1) = "" sheets("macro template").cells(i, 37) = sheets("macro template").cells(i, 38) = b = + 1 loop end sub
my problem code doesn't give correct formula vlookup. instead, gives formula:
=vlookup(a:a,'[e:\ap no approval\[no approval monitoring log_june 2015 xlsx.xlsx]source]no approval monitoring log_june'!$a:$ab,28,0)
the correct formula this:
=vlookup(a:a,'e:\ap no approval\[no approval monitoring log_june 2015 xlsx.xlsx]source'!$a:$ab,28,0)
any appreciated.
try (untested)
private sub vlookups() dim ws worksheet dim lrow long dim spath string, sfile string, stemp string dim ret set ws = thisworkbook.sheets("macro template") ret = application.getopenfilename(filefilter:="excel workbooks (*.xls*),*.xls*", _ title:="select new data file vlookup") if ret = false exit sub sfile = getfilenamefrompath(ret) spath = split(ret, sfile)(0) stemp = "=vlookup(a:a,'" & spath & "[" & sfile ws lrow = .range("a" & .rows.count).end(xlup).row .range("ak7:ak" & lrow).formula = stemp & "]source'!$a:$ab,28,0)" .range("al7:al" & lrow).formula = stemp & "]source'!$a:$aj,36,0)" end end sub public function getfilenamefrompath(byval strpath string) string if right$(strpath, 1) <> "\" , len(strpath) > 0 getfilenamefrompath = _ getfilenamefrompath(left$(strpath, len(strpath) - 1)) + right$(strpath, 1) end if end function
. handle shown in code above.the formula looking
=vlookup(a:a,'e:\ap no approval\[no approval monitoring log_june 2015 xlsx.xlsx]source'!$a:$ab,28,0)
give straight file path , namee:\ap no approval\no approval monitoring log_june 2015 xlsx.xlsx
around file name. have first extract filename file path , reconstruct entire string. usefunction getfilenamefrompath
in above code retrieve that.you don't need loop cells enter formula. can enter formula in 1 go in entire range.
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