java - ANDROID STUDIO: Take picture with Camera API -> Send this picture to another activity -

after take picture camera api, picture displays on screen/this activity. want send picture covers whole screen activity called pictureeditor. there add functionality can edit picture.

  // code in mainactivity   mcamera.takepicture(null, null, mpicture);   intent = new intent(getapplicationcontext(), pictureeditor.class);   bitmap b = getbitmapfromview(mpreview);   bytearrayoutputstream bs = new bytearrayoutputstream();   b.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 50, bs);   i.putextra("bytearray", bs.tobytearray());   startactivity(i); 

in pictureeditor have code in oncreate.

  // code in pictureeditor   if(getintent().hasextra("bytearray")) {   imageview previewthumbnail = new imageview(this);   bitmap b = bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(                getintent().getbytearrayextra("bytearray"),0,getintent().getbytearrayextra("bytearray").length);         previewthumbnail.setimagebitmap(b);     } 

what can retrive picture in pictureeditor, , picture thing visible on screen in activity? (decode bitmap , display image on screen)

thanks kind of help!

instead of startactivity call startactivityforresult , image bundle in onactivityresult call method in same activity , pass image new activity.


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