php - RecursiveIteratorIterator return . and .. for each directory -
i used recursiveiteratoriterator
recursive directory lists in linux when try directories have tow version of each directory . , .. :
'dirs' => array (size=13) 0 => string './..' (length=4) 1 => string './..' (length=4) 2 => string './.' (length=3) 3 => string './.idea/..' (length=10) 4 => string './.idea/.' (length=9) 5 => string './.idea/scopes/..' (length=17) 6 => string './.idea/scopes/.' (length=16) 7 => string './images/..' (length=11) 8 => string './images/.' (length=10) 9 => string './test/..' (length=9) 10 => string './test/.' (length=8) 11 => string './test/test2/..' (length=15) 12 => string './test/test2/.' (length=14)
my code :
$files = [ 'files' => [ ], 'dirs' => [ ] ]; $directories = new recursiveiteratoriterator(new recursivedirectoryiterator('.')); while ($directories->valid()) { if ($directories->isfile()) { $files['files'][] = $directories->getpathname(); } elseif ($directories->isdir()) { $files['dirs'][] = $directories->getpathname(); } $directories->next(); }
when use recursivedirectoryiterator::skip_dots
blow code :
$directories = new recursiveiteratoriterator(new recursivedirectoryiterator($path, recursivedirectoryiterator::skip_dots));
i don't have result.
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