java - android-Volley JSONObjectRequest return 401 error -

i'm trying send post request paramteres server. post params null.

i've tried few solutions stackoverflow didn't work.

i unexpected response code 401 11.urlname

map<string, string> jsonparams = new hashmap<string, string>(); jsonparams.put("username", ""); jsonparams.put("usertype", "usertype"); jsonparams.put("apikey", "key");  jsonobjectrequest myrequest = new jsonobjectrequest(,apiurl, new jsonobject(jsonparams),      new response.listener<jsonobject>() {         @override         public void onresponse(jsonobject response) {             try {                 string status=response.getstring("status");                  if (status.equals("success"))                 {                     txtresponse.settext("valid user");                 }                 else {                     txtresponse.settext("invalid user");                 }             } catch (jsonexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }          }     },     new response.errorlistener() {         @override         public void onerrorresponse(volleyerror error) {         }     }) {      @override     public map<string, string> getheaders() throws authfailureerror {         hashmap<string, string> headers = new hashmap<string, string>();         headers.put("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");         return headers;     } }; appcontroller.getinstance().addtorequestqueue(myrequest, "tag"); 

my app controller code is

public class appcontroller extends application {     public static final string tag = appcontroller.class.getsimplename();      private requestqueue mrequestqueue;      private static appcontroller minstance;      @override     public void oncreate() {         super.oncreate();         minstance = this;     }      public static synchronized appcontroller getinstance() {         return minstance;     }      public requestqueue getrequestqueue() {         if (mrequestqueue == null) {             mrequestqueue = volley.newrequestqueue(getapplicationcontext());         }          return mrequestqueue;     }      public <t> void addtorequestqueue(request<t> req, string tag) {         req.settag(textutils.isempty(tag) ? tag : tag);         getrequestqueue().add(req);     }      public <t> void addtorequestqueue(request<t> req) {         req.settag(tag);         getrequestqueue().add(req);     }      public void cancelpendingrequests(object tag) {         if (mrequestqueue != null) {             mrequestqueue.cancelall(tag);         }     } } 

if issue has not been solved, can refer following code build request body (params)

    private string buildrequestbody(object content) {         string output = null;         if ((content instanceof string) ||                 (content instanceof jsonobject) ||                 (content instanceof jsonarray)) {             output = content.tostring();         } else if (content instanceof map) {             uri.builder builder = new uri.builder();             hashmap hashmap = (hashmap) content;             if (isvalid(hashmap)) {                 iterator entries = hashmap.entryset().iterator();                 while (entries.hasnext()) {                     map.entry entry = (map.entry);                     builder.appendqueryparameter(entry.getkey().tostring(), entry.getvalue().tostring());                     entries.remove(); // avoids concurrentmodificationexception                 }                 output =;             }         }          return output;     } 


    map<string, string> stringmap = new hashmap<>();         stringmap.put("username", "yourusername");     stringmap.put("password", "yourpassword");     ...     string requestbody = buildrequestbody(stringmap); 


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