
Showing posts from January, 2015

sockets - AIR server connections -

i wanting give small gaming community. idea make app acts chat client connect game servers. trying grasp concepts on how connections work through examples i've found on web, since self taught seeing examples. so far examples found connections on same network. need kind of example allow me connect different networks or @ least explanation on need do. need able around router without setting port forwarding on router. in end app connecting game developer's server need working app before permission connect servers. any appreciated. if additional information needed ask , i'll best fill in gaps. that broad question, try give information possible point of view. i'm not yet sure if want have p2p connection (game-application game-application) or standard server model, mentioned different approaches problem. adobe has support p2p since long time. read faq , esspecially "how rtmfp differ rtmp?" (i try choose sources infographics, helped me understan...

sql - Converting MySQL query to PostgreSQL. Order by day()? -

i'm converting code mysql postgresql. postgresql doesn't have day() function order by work. there known solution? i'm wanting group results day. { select to_char(date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') date \"users exercises\" userid = $user->id , (date >= '$begin' , date <= '$end') group day(date) order date ) union ( select to_char(date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') date \"users foods\" userid = $user->id , (date >= '$begin' , date <= '$end') group day(date) order date } mysql's day() returns day of month. postgresql equivalent of is : group extract(day "date")

richfaces - JSF Composite Component with conditional popup panel -

i'm trying render composite component shows popup panel based on outcome of backing bean method. far no success. appreciate help. glassfish 4.1 mojarra 2.2 richfaces 4.5.4 composite component (conditionalactionlink.xhtml): <ui:component xmlns="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:a4j="" xmlns:rich="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:composite=""> <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="value"/> <composite:attribute name="style"/> <composite:attribute name="disabled"/> <composite:attribute name="render"/> <composite:attribute name="message" /> <composite:attribute name="renderedbtn" type=...

Sending Email in Python -

i'm trying send basic email using python 3.3. i'm following first bit of code here: my code follows: def emailcurrentrankings(recipientemail): fp = open('rankings.txt', 'rb') msg = mimetext( fp.close() sender = '' msg['subject'] = 'csa rankings' msg['from'] = sender msg['to'] = recipientemail s = smtplib.smtp('localhost') s.sendmail(sender, [recipientemail], msg.as_string()) s.quit() my main function calls method so: emailcurrentrankings('') the difference can tell use 'rankings.txt' instead of textfile on second line. i've tried both , same error message: traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 128, in <module> main() file "", line 120, in main email...

java - Hibernate hql/criteria result contains collection -

i have 2 entities: public class photo { long id; string url; @manytoone @joincolumn(name ="user_id") user user; // other fields , getters/setters } and second: public class user { long id; @onetomany(mappedby = "user") private collection<photo> photos; // other fields , getters/setters } i trying dto: public class userdto { long id; list<string> photosurls; } but can't find right solution. wrote next criteria - find user photos login: getcurrentsession().createcriteria(user.class, "user") .createalias("", "photos") .setprojection(getuserprojection()) .add(restrictions.eq("user.login",login)) .setresulttransformer(transformers.aliastobean(userdto.class)) .list(); // projection getuserprojection() { return projections.projectionlist() .add(""), "id") ...

c# - Unable to set Menu width to 100% in WPF. What's wrong with my code? -

i looking way set menu width 100% in wpf. trying create notepad application, , tried following. <window x:name="notepad" x:class="notepad.mainwindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" title="untitled - notepad" height="350" width="525" windowstate="maximized" sizetocontent="width"> <grid> <richtextbox x:name="maintextbox" horizontalalignment="stretch" verticalalignment="stretch"> <flowdocument> <paragraph> <inlineuicontainer> <menu height="25" horizontalcontentalignment="stretch" > <menuitem header="_file" /> <menuitem ...

php - how symfony2 remember me work without any table for token? -

i configure symfony2 add remember me functionality , how work without table in database save remember me token. mean best practice remember me cookie said in here it stores username , token expiration token class name , signature in single cookie. here it's being processed: so whole protection based on using secret token (the 1 specify in parameters) , user's password. answering second part of "question" - pure cookie-based solution not use persistence layer, none of "best practices" applicable here. symfony2 provide built-in persistence layer support storing remember-me tokens, , implement series-based logic it's explained in answer you're referring to.

c# - Why do I get SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException? -

when try pass jwt (issued azure mobile services) http header/authorization/bearer token: header: { "alg": "hs256", "typ": "jwt", "kid": "0" } claims: { "ver": 2, "aud": "facebook", "iss": "urn:microsoft:windows-azure:zumo", "urn:microsoft:credentials": "pyk8b5...", "exp": 1436730730, "uid": "facebook:10000xxxxxxxxxx" } into web api configured: const string issuer = "urn:microsoft:windows-azure:zumo"; byte[] mobileservicessecret = textencodings.base64url.decode(configurationmanager.appsettings["as:secretkey"]); app.usejwtbearerauthentication( new jwtbearerauthenticationoptions { authenticationmode =, allowedaudiences = new[] { "facebook" }, issuersecuritytokenproviders = new iissuersecuri...

javascript - Send js variable to a php .ajax -

i trying define id# of choice , declaring variable send "action.php", file connects db , inserts values. div-block 5 id's in html: <div class="rate"> <div id="1" class="b-1 rate-btn"></div> <div id="2" class="b-2 rate-btn"></div> <div id="3" class="b-3 rate-btn"></div> <div id="4" class="b-4 rate-btn"></div> <div id="5" class="b-5 rate-btn"></div> </div> anim.js intercepts click event , declares variable "therate" clicked "id": $('.rate-btn').click(function(){ var therate = $(this).attr('id'); $('.rate-btn').removeclass('rate-btn-active'); (var = therate; >= 0; i--) { $('.b-'+i).addclass('rate-btn-active'); $.ajax({ type : "post", url : "action.php", data : therate, success:...

javascript - Add dynamic HTML with JQuery without hard coding? -

suppose have javascript (with jquery) code adds html existing page, like: var span = "<span>text</span>"; some_div_element.append(span); is there way without having span hard coded? if want add big portion of code, doesn't seem right have hard coded in middle of javascript code. it easy jquery load function <html> <head> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ $("#includehtml").load("loadme.html"); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="includehtml"></div> </body> </html> this way can have html in different html file, , load in load function. html can short or long without bloating original page. loadme.html need stored in same path on server in case.

android - Is it expected that InstanceId change on app force stopped? -

i trying out play services gcm 7.5. however, looks nice have instanceid class. however, instance id string changes every time swipe app out of recent tasks, or force stop app. doesn't change if activity finish(). expected behavior? shall instance id persisted first it? below codes gcm token , instance id: instanceid instanceid = instanceid.getinstance(this); string token = instanceid.gettoken(getstring(r.string.gcm_defaultsenderid), googlecloudmessaging.instance_id_scope); log.e("foo", getclass().getsimplename() + ": " + instanceid.getid() + " | " + token); sendpushregistrationtokentoserver(token); below codes read instance id later: instanceid instanceid = instanceid.getinstance(this) tokentextview.settext(instanceid.getid()); to fix update gcm, can confirm gcm 7.8 works fine.

width - CSS: Need boxes at 62% and 38%, but can't seem to find the right formula or code -

trying left box @ 62% of width left , right box @ 38%. ever add percentages, still sit @ 50%. ideas? thank help/advice can share. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <style> #sides { display: flex; padding: 0px 0px; background-color: white; } .sideleft { flex: 1; padding: 20px; margin: 0; } .sideright { flex: 1; padding: 20px; margin: 0; } #left { background-color: #333333; } #right { background-color: #018dca; } h1 { color: #ffffff; } h2 { color: #ffffff; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="sides"> <div class="sideleft" id="left" align="right"> <h1>text</h1> <h2>text</h2> </div> <div class="sideright" id="right"> <h1>text</h1> <h2>text</h2> </div> </div> </body> </html> flex property combination of flex-grow: fle...

How do I get my Facebook app's authorized users with App access token? -

i need access active app users , permissions. i've got app token, don't know how users , permissions. at graph api explorer i'm requesting (with app token) my_app_id/insights provides general data. if request my_app_id path returns brief description of app , data. i need access endpoint my_app_id/users (tried one, doesn't exist) , should return app's users. data technically have access to, should able browse it. i've seen how users have authorized facebook app? links fql table fql deprecated , not allowed after graph api 2.0 , app created after 2.1 released, therefore can't use fql. i've found (after deep digging facebook's docs) again, couldn't find way specific data. how can app users? to specific, need this: get /app_id/users?since=24hoursago response: [{ uid: 123456789, permissions: basic_info, email, user_friends, name: james willi...

how to overwrite in the memory of lc3 -

i writing program in assembly lc3 , although know how read letter stored in memory don't know how overwrite letter one. don't want using .stringz because "0" added after letter , lose word. see reading word, letter letter , want replace letters, letter letter. thank ;) the best command use str command: lea r2, string str r3, r2, #0 ; stores value of r3 ; memory stored r2, ; offset of #0 ; can create loop cycles through many char ; store string .blkw 10 str best storing characters of string because can increment value stored in r2 store each char 1 after another.

javascript - Foundation's Abide validation and tabs -

abide version 5.5.2 not validate hidden fields. however, means validation not work fields in inactive tabs. sample code be: <form data-abide> <ul class="tabs" data-tab> <li class="tab-title active"><a href="#panel1">tab name</a></li> <li class="tab-title"><a href="#panel2">tab email</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabs-content"> <div class="content active" id="panel1"> <div class="name-field"> <label>your name <small>required</small> <input type="text" required pattern="[a-za-z]+"> </label> <small class="error">name required , must string.</small> </div> </div> <div class="content" id="panel2"...

Jersey - JerseyTest: Error reading entity from input stream -

i have created test project in order learn jersey. have created following classes (model), , , far works fine. problem jerseytest trying run ( ). using jackson json serialization. when run test error: error reading entity input stream . console output: ------------------------------------------------------- t e s t s ------------------------------------------------------- running com.example.bookresourcetest Ιουν 13, 2015 5:25:23 ΜΜ org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.grizzlytestcontainerfactory$grizzlytestcontainer <init> info: creating grizzlytestcontainer configured @ base uri http://localhost:9998/ Ιουν 13, 2015 5:25:24 ΜΜ org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.networklistener start info: started listener bound [localhost:9998] Ιουν 13, 2015 5:25:24 ΜΜ org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.httpserver start info: [httpserver] started. Ιουν 13, 2015 5:25:24 ΜΜ org.glassfish.jersey.filter.loggingfilter log info: 1 * ...

java - Prevent android activities from reloading -

i made android app 5 tabs using example: when swype first tab, swype 5th tab , swype first tab, first, second , third tabs reload. there way prevent these tabs reloading? setoffscreenpagelimit(5);//on viewpager

python - Inheritance of built in types. Where did the author obtain the 'self' in the for loop -

class contactlist(list): def search(self, name): matching_contacts = [] contact in self: if name in matching_contacts.append(contact) return matching_contacts class contact: all_contacts = contactlist() def __init__(self, name, email): = name = email self.all_contacts.append(self) print([ c in'john')]) >>> ['john a'] this class author wrote. creates class inherits built in type list. have trouble understanding loop. since author uses loop i.e 'for contact in self' resulting in me thinking self =[] declared somewhere. author not explicitly write leads me assume in parent class there def init method provides self = []. unsure if understanding correct or there else entirely not seeing. also not understand author obtain in if statement. edit i have added full code...

c# - Keep getting Entitytype has no key defined -

i know question duplicate, unfortunately did not find solution problem. though there lot of posts on matter. so, topic says, getting exception saying: entitytype has no key defined my model looks this: public class questionmodel { public int id { get; set; } [displayname("question")] public string question { get; set; } public list<string> responses { get; set; } [displayname("number of answers")] public int numberofanswers { get; set; } } and code in controller: [httppost] public actionresult registerquestion(questionmodel model) { if (modelstate.isvalid) { using (var context = new databasecontext()) { var question = new questionmodel { numberofanswers = model.numberofanswers, question = model.question, responses = model.responses }; ...

django-axes with custom user model -

i’ve been struggling include django-axes project i’m using custom user model . finally, got working. “almost” because none errors shown, unfortunately django-axes not catching failed login attempts . in fact, showing in admin user got logged (and, therefore, user never logout). think i'm getting same problem indicated here: django-axes not working custom login view i’ll show parts of code, maybe shed light issue. in advance from axes.decorators import watch_login apps.main.views import userlogin urlpatterns = patterns(‘', url(r'^login/$', watch_login(userlogin), name="login"), axes.decorators import watch_login @watch_login def userlogin(request): if request.method == "post": if 'login_form' in username ='username', '') password ='password', '') ...

angularjs smart table st-safe-src attribute -

i have gone through link . have not got use case of "st-safe-src". when need use attribute. i believe explanation st-safe-src : 1) have displayed collection (ie repeater) result of sort, filter, slice operations on base collection. 2) when initialised smart-table create copy of provided st-table collection base collection. sort,filter,slice based on original asset. when calling ajax, don't have dataset @ initialisation time base copy wrong. side node, rather fetch data when resolving controller dependencies (ie resolve in route) ease unit tests 3) when using st-safe-src explicitly tells smart-table watch , update base collection ie 1 uses reference when sorting, filtering , slicing. so st-table displayed collection (the result) , st-safe-src base collection (the original dataset). so if set both same collection, latest watched , change first one, trigger watch...which update displayed one....etc. ...

javascript - filter function ng-repeat returning true but 0 results are displayed -

i have custom function returns true or false controller function: this.isstoreequipment = function(equipment){ var returnval = false if (array.isarray(equipment)){ equipment.foreach(function(piece, index, array){ if (config.myequipment().indexof(piece)!= -1){ returnval = true return } }); } return returnval } and in table <tr ng-cloak id="{{$index}}" ng-repeat-start="equipment in currentcontroller.storeequipment | orderby: '-lastservice ' | filter: currentcontroller.isstoreequipment(equipment.storenum))>" <td>{{equipment.lastservice | date:'mm/dd/yyyy'}}</td> <td>{{equipment.type}}</td> <td>{{}}</td> <td>{{equipment.storenum}}</td> </tr> now h...

c# - WPF Binding - Bind to A when X is checked, else bind to B -

basically have textblock displays microphone gain. <textblock fontfamily="calibri light" fontsize="20" foreground="#fff65b60" fontweight="bold" height="35"><run text="{binding audiorecorder.gain, stringformat={}microphone gain: {0:#} %}"/></textblock> as can see, bound "audiorecorder.gain" want bind value if checkbox not checked. <checkbox ischecked="{binding recognizer.autogaincontrol}" if checked, want bind to "recognizer.gain" is possible or have merge 2 gain variables together? i not sure if did succeed or not example should remain here others might search same thing: i have gathered info , created version of : <window x:class="comboitems.mainwindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:windows="clr-namespa...

php - Identifying a pdf file and upload it to folder -

i´m using php code upload images folder allow pdf files uploaded also, modified little code: <?php $target_dir = "extra_images/"; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_files["filetoupload"]["name"]); $uploadok = 1; $imagefiletype = pathinfo($target_file,pathinfo_extension); $textfiletype = pathinfo($target_file,pathinfo_extension); // check if image file actual image or fake image if(isset($_post["submit"])) { $check = getimagesize($_files["filetoupload"]["tmp_name"]); if($check !== false) { //echo "<div class=\"alert alert-success\" role=\"alert\"><strong><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span> correct image type.</strong></div>"; $uploadok = 1; } else { echo "<div class=\"...

Count number of occurences in repeated variables (r) -

i need summarise number of days people have worked during week. each variables represent day. i need produce summary of number of days worked. i not quite sure convenient manner (beside summing table each day). any suggestions ? data = structure(list(actwkdy1 = structure(c(2l, na, 6l, 9l, 2l, 2l, 2l, na, 2l, 3l), .label = c("friday", "monday", "not working @ all", "saturday", "scheduled working days not relevant", "sunday", "thursday", "tuesday", "wednesday"), class = "factor"), actwkdy2 = structure(c(6l, na, 2l, 5l, 6l, 6l, 6l, na, 6l, na), .label = c("friday", ...

java - How to pass the value from one method to another method -

i have doubt in java selenium webdriver. example: on page 1 (personal details page) filling personal details , selecting payment method (like credit or debit card) using checkbox. on page 2 (dispatch): filling dispatch address details. on page 3 (payment page): based on selection page 1 payment should selected automatically. i created 1 class file methods pages. dont know how pass value 1 method another. kindly me resolve issue. //class file package logintest; //import; public class mobclas { private static webelement element=null; public static class mobile { public static webelement personal_details(webdriver driver) { //code driver.findelement("name")).sendkeys("test"); driver.findelement("mobile_no")).sendkeys("963258741"); driver.findelement("mail_id")).sendkeys(""); //payment method selection ...

colors - How to change selected tab background colour in a swipeable tabs in android -

i new bee android using swipe able tabs in application downloaded here want change ground colour of selected tab can 1 me how in android.thanks in advance check answer here , use methods in library downloaded or can use code android example

create a macro in sas -

i have report generated once year. each report has form of year inside name - report-2011.xls, report-2012.xls etc. each report contains following vars: id, sal=average monthly salary of year, gender (0=male, 1=female), married (0=not married, 1=married), need create macro calculates mean.std,min , max of salary, per year in accordance gender type , married type. in macro need include parameter relevant year. how refer each type separately in calculating these parameters? , how create separate parameter year var? proc summary allows control ways want cross data. %macro report(year); proc import datafile="/path/to/report-&year..xls" out= salary_data dbms=csv replace ; proc summary data = salary_data; class ...

javascript - backbone - preventing same view from overlapping -

let each row in table got own view , model (collectionviews). each row got button editing row data. when clicked editview activated current row , model form presented user textfield , cancel , submit button. the edit view can removed if user submit edit form or cancel edit. my question best way prevent multiple edit view overlapping example when user click edit button, not doing editing or closing edit view, , instead click edit button on row , row, without completing editing. i started learning backbone, - more of hack. //create global array storing view var edittaskviewarray = new array(); code when creating edit view //delete previous view (x in edittaskviewarray) { edittaskviewarray[x].remove(); } //empty array edittaskviewarray = []; //create , activate edit view var edittaskview = new app.views.edittask({ model: this.model }).render(); $('#edittask').append(edittaskview.el).hide().fadein(500); //add edit view array can removed later edittaskv...

javascript - On "enter" make input element dissapear in the cell, but leave the text content -

i want change cell content javascript. when click on cell input element appears takes value of cell's text. after editing text in input element when click enter want cell normal again (without having input element). here table: <table> <tr> <td>content 1</td> <td>content 2</td> <td>content 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>content 4</td> <td>content 5</td> <td>content 6</td> </tr> </table> here javascript: $("td").click(function(){ if($(this).find("input").length==0){ var cellcontent = $(this).html(); $(this).empty(); $(this).append("<input type='text' size='"+cellcontent.length+"' value='"+cellcontent+"'>"); $(this).find("input").focus(); }});// part creates input element in cell now problem comes after pressing enter when new content should stay in cell without i...

html - Aligning headers/footers using responsive styles -

check out my site here see issue across different size screens , on mobile. i used luna theme in bigcartel, having modified parts make bespoke our brand. whilst doing luna responsive theme no longer worked... having not changed 1 bit (something in actual code must have caused stop working)...;it show blank white screen (mobile). i copied , used responsive style of separate theme, causes site act normal site on mobile etc... headers/footers out of place , mis-sized. have tried changing widths %, have failed notice differences. had managed change size of flexslider.. works struggling change size of other major components on page (including navigation bar). i reluctant post code in here of yet... i'm not sure include (i dont want include responsive styles), perhaps point me in right direction? thanks,

php - view($id) Method is being called instead of index() Method with GET VERB [CakePHP] -

when enter url http://localhost/cake2/cruds verb method view() loads. want load index() method... when enter url http://localhost/cake2/cruds/8 verb same happens. remaining routes works fine. my routes are: router::connect('/', array('[method]'=>'get','controller' => 'cruds', 'action' => 'index')); router::connect('/', array('[method]'=>'post','controller' => 'cruds', 'action' => 'add')); router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'get','controller' => 'cruds', 'action' => 'view','id')); router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'put','controller' => 'cruds', 'action' => 'edit','id')); router::connect('/:id', array('[method]'=>'delete','controller' => 'cruds', ...

c++ argv[1] something strange -

i got strange problem parsing c++ arguments argv[] . here sample of code: int main(int argc, char **argv) { (int i=0; <argc; i++) printf("argv[%d] = %s|\n", i, argv[i]); return 0; }; when run program this: ./myprogram --aaa-a --bbb-b --ccc-c the result like: argv[0] = myprogram| argv[1] = --aaa-a --bbb-b| argv[2] = --ccc-c but when try: ./myprogram --aaa-a --bbb-b --ccc-c with additional space between aa , bb, got: argv[0] = myprogram| argv[1] = --aaa-a| argv[2] = --bbb-b| argv[3] = --ccc-c| does can give me clue happening here? for reason have non-breakable space (or character that's displayed space) between --aaa-a , --bbb-b . remove whole command line , write again scratch.

java - Hibernate Search not indexing items from database -

i'm trying integrate hibernate search in application. rough summary of needs done: spring batch reads out xml file , persists objects database. done de jdbcbatchitemwriter. not hibernateitemwriter because of slow performance. after items inserted build hibernate search/lucene index. the problem in last step. nothing being indexed. the setup follows: there joblistener index data in database so: session session = sessionfactory .withoptions() .opensession(); fulltextsession fulltextsession = search.getfulltextsession(session); try { fulltextsession.createindexer().startandwait(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } but when check index luke can't find records in it. guess has transactions can't figure out how make work. this persistence configuration: @bean public entitymanagerfactory entitymanagerfactory() { hibernatejpavendoradapter vendoradapter = new hibernatejpavendoradapter(); localcontainerentitymanagerfa...

PhpStorm shortcut for line breaks -

is there shortcut in phpstorm making line breaks? example in previous ide (zend studio 5.5) when i'm writing line , press ctrl+enter adds line break tag end of current line , starts new line. ## @ end of first line use shortcut add line break @ end , start new line first line <br /> new line

osx - How to uninstall matplotlib from OS X 10.10.3 -

after installing matplotlib via pip unable import matplotlib os x python , uninstall , start again. think have multiple copies of matplotlib , may causing problem. see below. *cbhe:pip install matplotlib requirement satisfied (use --upgrade upgrade): matplotlib in /system/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/2.7/extras/lib/python requirement satisfied (use --upgrade upgrade): numpy>=1.5 in /system/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/2.7/extras/lib/python (from matplotlib) requirement satisfied (use --upgrade upgrade): python-dateutil in /system/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/2.7/extras/lib/python (from matplotlib) requirement satisfied (use --upgrade upgrade): tornado in /library/python/2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib) requirement satisfied (use --upgrade upgrade): pyparsing>=1.5.6 in /system/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/2.7/extras/lib/python (from matplotlib) requirement satisfied (use --upgrade upgrade): nose in /librar...