Count number of occurences in repeated variables (r) -

i need summarise number of days people have worked during week. each variables represent day.

i need produce summary of number of days worked.

i not quite sure convenient manner (beside summing table each day).

any suggestions ?

data = structure(list(actwkdy1 = structure(c(2l, na, 6l, 9l, 2l, 2l,                                    2l, na, 2l, 3l), .label = c("friday", "monday", "not working @ all",                                                                "saturday", "scheduled working days not relevant", "sunday",                                                                "thursday", "tuesday", "wednesday"), class = "factor"), actwkdy2 = structure(c(6l,                                                                                                                                               na, 2l, 5l, 6l, 6l, 6l, na, 6l, na), .label = c("friday", "monday",                                                                                                                                                                                               "saturday", "sunday", "thursday", "tuesday", "wednesday"), class = "factor"),             actwkdy3 = structure(c(7l, na, 6l, 1l, 7l, 5l, 7l, na, 7l,                                    na), .label = c("friday", "monday", "saturday", "sunday",                                                    "thursday", "tuesday", "wednesday"), class = "factor"), actwkdy4 = structure(c(5l,                                                                                                                                   na, 7l, 3l, 5l, 1l, 5l, na, 5l, na), .label = c("friday",                                                                                                                                                                                   "monday", "saturday", "sunday", "thursday", "tuesday", "wednesday"                                                                                                                                  ), class = "factor"), actwkdy5 = structure(c(1l, na, 5l,                                                                                                                                                                                4l, 1l, 3l, 1l, na, 1l, na), .label = c("friday", "monday",                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "saturday", "sunday", "thursday", "tuesday", "wednesday"), class = "factor"),             actwkdy6 = structure(c(na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_,                                    na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_,                                    na_integer_, na_integer_), .label = c("friday", "monday",                                                                          "saturday", "sunday", "thursday", "tuesday", "wednesday"), class = "factor"),             actwkdy7 = structure(c(na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_,                                    na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_, na_integer_,                                    na_integer_, na_integer_), .label = c("friday", "monday",                                                                          "saturday", "sunday", "thursday", "wednesday"), class = "factor")), row.names = c(na,                                                                                                                                                            10l), class = "data.frame", .names = c("actwkdy1", "actwkdy2",                                                                                                                                                                                                   "actwkdy3", "actwkdy4", "actwkdy5", "actwkdy6", "actwkdy7"))                actwkdy1 actwkdy2  actwkdy3  actwkdy4 actwkdy5 actwkdy6 actwkdy7               monday  tuesday wednesday  thursday   friday     <na>     <na>                 <na>     <na>      <na>      <na>     <na>     <na>     <na>               sunday   monday   tuesday wednesday thursday     <na>     <na>            wednesday thursday    friday  saturday   sunday     <na>     <na>               monday  tuesday wednesday  thursday   friday     <na>     <na>               monday  tuesday  thursday    friday saturday     <na>     <na>               monday  tuesday wednesday  thursday   friday     <na>     <na>                 <na>     <na>      <na>      <na>     <na>     <na>     <na>               monday  tuesday wednesday  thursday   friday     <na>     <na>  not working @     <na>      <na>      <na>     <na>     <na>     <na> 

would make sense?

table(unlist(data))  view(table(unlist(data)))  var1                                freq friday                              6 monday                              6 not working @                  1 saturday                            2 scheduled working days not relevant 0 sunday                              2 thursday                            7 tuesday                             6 wednesday                           6 


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