How do I get my Facebook app's authorized users with App access token? -
i need access active app users , permissions. i've got app token, don't know how users , permissions.
at graph api explorer i'm requesting (with app token) my_app_id/insights
provides general data.
if request my_app_id
path returns brief description of app , data.
i need access endpoint my_app_id/users
(tried one, doesn't exist) , should return app's users. data technically have access to, should able browse it.
i've seen how users have authorized facebook app? links fql table fql deprecated , not allowed after graph api 2.0 , app created after 2.1 released, therefore can't use fql.
i've found (after deep digging facebook's docs) again, couldn't find way specific data.
how can app users?
to specific, need this:
get /app_id/users?since=24hoursago
response: [{ uid: 123456789, permissions: basic_info, email, user_friends, name: james williams, date: 2015-06-13t00:11:22 }, { uid: 567892345, permissions: basic_info, email, user_friends, name: adam smith, date: 2015-06-13t00:11:22 }, { uid: 8765431929, permissions: basic_info, email, user_friends, name: kurt adams, date: 2015-06-13t00:11:22 }]
name , permissions mandatory , login date extremely helpful.
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