create a macro in sas -
i have report generated once year. each report has form of year inside name - report-2011.xls, report-2012.xls etc. each report contains following vars: id, sal=average monthly salary of year, gender (0=male, 1=female), married (0=not married, 1=married), need create macro calculates mean.std,min , max of salary, per year in accordance gender type , married type. in macro need include parameter relevant year. how refer each type separately in calculating these parameters? , how create separate parameter year var?
proc summary allows control ways want cross data.
%macro report(year); proc import datafile="/path/to/report-&year..xls" out= salary_data dbms=csv replace ; proc summary data = salary_data; class married gender; types married gender married*gender; var sal; output out = salary_results mean(sal) = mean_salary std(sal) = std_salary; * print summary; proc print; * delete data , summary after using them; proc delete data= salary_data salary_results; run; %mend report;
note proc summary produces other useful information can read here. can drop them if don't need them.
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