java - Hibernate hql/criteria result contains collection -

i have 2 entities:

public class photo {    long id;    string url;    @manytoone    @joincolumn(name ="user_id")    user user;    // other fields , getters/setters } 

and second:

public class user {    long id;    @onetomany(mappedby = "user")    private collection<photo> photos;    // other fields , getters/setters } 

i trying dto:

public class userdto {     long id;     list<string> photosurls; } 

but can't find right solution. wrote next criteria - find user photos login:

getcurrentsession().createcriteria(user.class, "user")     .createalias("", "photos")     .setprojection(getuserprojection())     .add(restrictions.eq("user.login",login))     .setresulttransformer(transformers.aliastobean(userdto.class))     .list();  // projection        getuserprojection() {         return projections.projectionlist()             .add(""), "id")             .add("photos"), "url");     } 

also tried hql:

getcurrentsession()     .createquery("select, p.url " +         " user u inner join p " +         " u.login :login")     .setstring("login", login)     .list(); 

but returned result list<object[]> type need list<userdto>.


http status 500 - request processing failed; nested exception org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.hibernatesystemexception: illegalargumentexception occurred while calling setter property [ type = java.util.list)]; target = [], property value = [] setter of; nested exception illegalargumentexception occurred while calling setter property [] (expected type = java.util.list)]; target = [], property value = []

i think above code have assign resultant directly list , should work breeze. this.

list<user> userlist = yourcriteria.list(); 


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