
Showing posts from April, 2014

arrays - Filling a vertical matrix Java -

i'm trying fill matrix vertically, 1 row missing. can me ? there code. maybe there easier way fill matrix verically, cant find it. public static void main(string[]args){ scanner input = new scanner(; system.out.print("enter value of matrix: "); int n = input.nextint(); int [][] matrix = new int [n][n]; (int = 1; < matrix.length; i++) { matrix[0][i] = matrix[0][i -1] + n; } for(int = 1; < matrix.length; i++){ (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++){ matrix[i][j] = matrix[i -1][j] + 1; system.out.print(matrix[i][j] + " "); } system.out.println(); } input.close(); } output: enter value of matrix: 4 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 try public static void main(string[]args){ scanner input = new scanner(; system.out.print("enter value of matrix: "); int n = input.nextint(); int [][] matrix = new int [n][n]; ma...

php - Wordpress: How to get posts that don't contain a specific category with a custom query -

i need display posts don't contain specific category. use following query, retrive post contains category 81 since post contains other categories. there way sort out? select p1.*, wm2.meta_value wp_posts p1 left join wp_postmeta wm1 on ( wm1.post_id = , wm1.meta_value not null , wm1.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' ) left join wp_postmeta wm2 on ( wm1.meta_value = wm2.post_id , wm2.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file' , wm2.meta_value not null ) left join wp_term_relationships wtr on ( ) p1.post_status='publish' , p1.post_type='post' , `term_taxonomy_id`<>81 group id order p1.post_date desc limit 0,10 thank you! this should works select p1.*, wm2.meta_value wp_posts p1 left join wp_postmeta wm1 on ( wm1.post_id = , wm1.meta_value not null , wm1.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' ) left join wp_postmeta wm2 on ( wm1.meta_value = wm2.post_id , wm2.meta_key = ...

java - Libgdx Texture Size Android -

i'm having problem scaling images ,every device has different screen resolution , can't figure out how scale them down in libgdx platform, example today i've made small game android , problem facing is.. offcurse can scale them down ,but not right way, because if has tablet butttons fit perfect,and in libgdx far know cant use layouts sw600dp,large,xlarge etc can scale them depend of screen width , height stage = new stage(); gdx.input.setinputprocessor(stage); font = new bitmapfont(); skin = new skin(); buttonatlas = new textureatlas(gdx.files.internal("data/spritesheetbuttons.pack")); skin.addregions(buttonatlas); table table = new table(); table.setbounds(0,0,buttonatlas.getregions().get(0).getregionwidth()*2 , buttonatlas.getregions().get(0).getregionheight()); textbuttonstyle = new textbuttonstyle(); textbuttonstyle.font = font; textbuttonstyle.up = skin.getdrawable("left"); textbuttonstyle....

android - There is any possibility to approach label with EditText in TextInputLayout? -

when put 2 or 3 textinputlayout, label seams link graphically previous edittext instead of next. need put margintop textinputlayout. there possibility approach label edittext? < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" > <edittext android:id="@+id/name" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:hint="@string/name" android:inputtype="textcapwords" /> </> in example can see margin hint , edittext changing paddingtop of edittext should fix it, example: < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" > <edittext android:id="@+id/name" ...

android - Java adding week to date -

this question has answer here: modify week in calendar 4 answers my code should add 1 week each time runs when setting jaar 2015 , week 50 , running following code multiple times: gregoriancalendar cal = new gregoriancalendar(); cal.set(calendar.year, jaar); cal.set(calendar.week_of_year, week); cal.add(calendar.week_of_year, 1); jaar = cal.get(calendar.year); week = cal.get(calendar.week_of_year); log.d("jaar", integer.tostring(jaar)); log.d("week", integer.tostring(week)); the output is: jaar: 2015 week: 51 jaar: 2015 week: 52 jaar: 2016 week: 53 jaar: 2017 week: 2 jaar: 2017 week: 3 so code not working. please help. edit: the codes run when user presses icon in tool bar: public static int jaar; public static int week; public gregoriancalendar cal = new gregoriancalendar(); @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedins...

javascript - Chaining Asynchronous Functions Node.js bluebird mongoskin -

i have been reading many posts on how chain asynchronous functions can't seem right! as title indicates. trying chain mongoskin database calls together, can gather information in chunks , send accumulated result in response. i have object user : var user = { username: 'someusername', accounts: [{name: 'account_1'}, {name: 'account_2'}] } for each of accounts need gather data , send accumulated data in response. using following loop iterate on accounts: var promise = require('bluebird'); var db = require('mongoskin').db('mongodb://localhost/somedb'); for(var x in user.accounts){ //fetch account data user.accounts[x].accountdata = fetchaccountdata(user.accounts[x].name); } //finally send collected response response.send(user); and function fetchaccountdata looks following: function fetchaccountdata(screen_id){ db.collection('master') .aggregate([ {$match: {screen_id: scr...

Cassandra restore from incremental backup files from multilple nodes -

i looking incremental/point-in-time backup / restore solution. i have 3 cassandra nodes,i enabled incremental backup , , tried copy 1 day's sstable files backups folder on 1 node new cassandra cluster /data folder, works, have 3 node, , name on 3 node same, dont' know how restore incremental backup files 3 nodes. you comments appreciated ! one simple solution config new cluster exact same node, , can work. but if want replay data less nodes, one, have take complete snapshot ?

html - SVG filter in external file not being applied -

in file named gray.svg in assets directory have <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" width="0" height="0"> <filter id="grayscale"> <fecolormatrix type="matrix" values="0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0"/> </filter> </svg> and in html have <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%"> <image filter="url(assets/gray.svg#grayscale)"xlink:href="assets/images/linux.png" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"></image> </svg> i know assets/gray.svg#grayscale exists because when go inspector , click link takes me actual page svg define...

How can I fix the spinner widget at the top of the page in Android? -

i using spinner drop down in android app. but, problem when user scrolls down, spinner moves , becomes invisible. want fix spinner @ top of page user can select page. here scrollbar: on scrolling down disappears: edit 1: layout file: <scrollview android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" android:background="@color/backgroundcolor" xmlns:android=""> <linearlayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingleft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingright="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingtop="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin...

ios - How to reuse this ViewController code in an object oriented way? -

i have app 4 viewcontrollers, , there lot of code repeating same way in 4 view controllers, , know best oop way write code 1 time , reuse in others view controllers. this code viewdidload of first view controller: - (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; [self setcandisplaybannerads:yes]; [[[self.tabbarcontroller.viewcontrollers objectatindex:1] tabbaritem]setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"iconobota30x30.png"]]; [[[self.tabbarcontroller.viewcontrollers objectatindex:2] tabbaritem]setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"actividades.png"]]; [[[self.tabbarcontroller.viewcontrollers objectatindex:3] tabbaritem]setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"nosotros.png"]]; float width = [uiscreen mainscreen].bounds.size.width; float height = [uiscreen mainscreen].bounds.size.height; static_ivar = [[uiwebview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, width,height)]; static_ivar.delegate = self; nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@""]; nsurlrequest...

File association using CMD -

what ways associate file cmd? example,i want .txt file extension associate typical program, through command prompt? correct file association cmd command? one needs use ftype , assoc commands follows (and note sequence matters): ftype txtfile="c:\program files (x86)\pspad editor\pspad.exe" "%1" assoc .log=txtfile assoc .txt=txtfile assoc .wtx=txtfile or ftype tifimage.document="c:\program files\mspview.exe" "%1" assoc .tif=tifimage.document assoc .tiff=tifimage.document note haven't mspview.exe installed can't approve ftype assignment rightness. in my windows ftype tifimage.document command output follows: tifimage.document=%systemroot%\system32\rundll32.exe "%programfiles%\windows photo viewer\photoviewer.dll", imageview_fullscreen %1

meteor - Can Xcode-beta identified as normal Xcode? -

i want test meteor ios build feature xcode 7 beta. xcode beta version installed on machine, , given meteor terminal command says 'xcode not installed'. because beta called 'xcode-beta'. there ways, solve this? the command stuck with: meteor install-sdk ios

c# - WPF Calendar selecteddate not binding + single click to select date? -

short info: i'm trying develop program administration of daycare center, of "visitors" come here every day, want come 1 day or want stay home. wanted use calendar user can select date's visitor come. i'm using wpf , mvvmc patern. problem 1, have date visitor in database, when try bind selecteddate doesn't work. if read date in textbox see date correctly. problem 2, can not use selecteddates of calendarcontrol there work around? user needs ability select , view more 1 date. problem 3, there way can modify calendar each date function checkbox, if want select more dates need hold ctrl , want single click select keep program easy work with. thanks lot, btw i'm beginning programmer, don't have lot of experience, have nice idea , want work out properly, please go easy on me. you should set both displaydate="{binding registerdate}" , selecteddate="{binding registerdate}" . try : xaml code : <calendar x:nam...

php - adjust logout function to handle safari back button issue -

i have following logout() function works on browsers not safari. problem in safari after logout if user hits button previous page cache instead of login screen. there way adjust logout function handle this? function logout() { // unset session variables $_session = []; // expire cookie if (!empty($_cookie[session_name()])) { // setcookie(session_name(), "", time() - 42000); $params = session_get_cookie_params(); setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000, $params["path"], $params["domain"], $params["secure"], $params["httponly"]); } // destroy session session_destroy(); } it seems me browser issue more server issue. have tried configuring caching headers in order disallow caching of logged pages ? as other solution, found post in relation: preventing cache on back-button in safari 5 . you try...

ubuntu - What is version of cuda for nvidia 304.125 -

i using ubuntu 14.04. want install cuda. don't know version laptop. trace drive is $cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version nvrm version: nvidia unix x86_64 kernel module 304.125 mon dec 1 19:58:28 pst 2014 gcc version: gcc version 4.8.2 (ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) i tried install cuda cuda-linux64-rel-7.0.28-19326674 when test command ./devicequery ./devicequery starting... cuda device query (runtime api) version (cudart static linking) cudagetdevicecount returned 35 -> cuda driver version insufficient cuda runtime version result = fail could me reslove problem? reinstall ubuntu many time. thank much 304.xx driver support cuda 5 , previous (does not support newer cuda versions.) if want reinstall ubuntu create clean setup, linux getting started guide has instructions needed set cuda 7 if intent. i believe picking 304.xx driver via specific (ie. separate) driver install. not necessary if want use cuda 7, can use runfile installer method has necessary com...

jquery - Is there any chance ajax call to finish after the next line of code? -

$("#ajaxform").submit(function(e){ var info = $(this).serialize(); $.ajax( { url : "controller", type: "post", data : info, success:function(data, textstatus, jqxhr) { $('.valid').html(data); } }); e.preventdefault() }); $(".mainbutton").click(function(){ $("#ajaxform").submit(); if($('.valid').html(data) == "success"){ // fail? var info = $("#ajaxform").serialize(); $.get("controller", info); } }); i making ajax call , in response put "success". there chance if($('.valid').html(data) == "success") called before , of ajax call , in fact fail if statement ? yes . ajax calls asynchronous . therefore, cannot expect sequential flow. better handle in callback like...

c# - How to name excel sheets using interop -

i made sheets in excel file. made lot @ same time code: newsheet2 = (,type.missing,5,type.missing); ...but don't know how name them individually. thought had way: newsheet2[2].name = "hello" but gave error. how can this? private static appexcel; private static workbook newworkbook_first = null; private static _worksheet newsheet2 = null; public void excel_create(string path) { try { appexcel = new; appexcel.visible = true; newworkbook_first = appexcel.workbooks.add(1); newsheet2 = (,type.missing,5,type.missing); //how name sheets now? } ca...

neo4j - Find last node in unknown amount of relationships -

i can find last node match p=(a)-->(b)-->(c)'object' , c:prime return c but how find last node if don't know how many relationships -->()-->() between 2 nodes? i trying find last node name lable name. last node doesn't have outgoing relationships. this find c in arbitrarily long path c has not outgoing relationships. match p=(a)-[*]->(c:prime)'object' , not( c-->() ) return c it advisable use relationship types (if possible / practical) in query , put upward boundary on number of hops match can make. example below follows relationships of type connection in 1 direction maximum of 5 relationships. match p=(a)-[:connection*..5]->(c:prime)'object' , not( c-->() ) return c

tkinter - Return from inside a function defined inside another function in Python -

i know title isn't clear, i'll try explain in more depth: i have function f defined inside function g, , want able call f inside g, , make f make g return something. example: def g(): def f(): return(true) # want g return value when f called f() # cannot replace return(f()) because context of problem extremely weird. because people have requested context: class color: def __init__(self, r, g, b): self.r = r self.g = g self.b = b def requestcolor(default=color(0, 0, 0)): colorgui = colorgui.title('select color') rlabel = label(colorgui, text='r: ', anchor=tk.e) glabel = label(colorgui, text='g: ', anchor=tk.e) blabel = label(colorgui, text='b: ', anchor=tk.e) rentry = entry(colorgui) gentry = entry(colorgui) bentry = entry(colorgui) # 1 method want have return statement in def savecommand(): colorgui.destroy() return(color(...

android:installLocation="preferExternal" not working -

i have samsung s5660 galaxy gio phone api version 2.3.6 , , haven't got enough space in internal memory install app, i've set installlocation , here androidmanifest.xml : <manifest xmlns:android="" .... android:versioncode="1" android:versionname="1.0" android:installlocation="preferexternal"> <uses-sdk android:minsdkversion="8" android:targetsdkversion="21" /> .... i've read not work on devices pre 2.2 version, can't understand why it's not working me, log i'm getting : [2015-06-13 17:40:36] failed install ... on device : no space left on device [2015-06-13 17:40:36] no space left on device [2015-06-13 17:40:36 ] launch canceled! installing app on sd-card not mean installed 100% on external storage. keeps critical files (dalvik stuff , etc.) on internal mem...

c# - How can I set the visibility of an element from another class in WPF? -

i have little program class. in main thread start thread starts method in class. set visibility of label class. have tried so: mainwindow main = new mainwindow(); ... main.lable.visibility = visibility.visible; the program gives me error thread must sta-thread . how can that? thank you! the thread modifies ui must sta thread . must have message loop, talking application main thread . can read more wpf threading here . the point have use dispatcher.begininvoke method . to solve problem, supposing lable public, in secondary thread try use code: main.dispatcher.begininvoke( dispatcherpriority.normal, new action(() => main.lable.visibility = visibility.visible)); i hope can you. edit i edit answer simple example updating ui secondary thread: public partial class mainwindow : window { public mainwindow() { initializecomponent(); task task = new task(new action(() => executeonseparatethread())); task.start(); ...

html - Making the webpage RESPONSIVE to all resolutions -

i have webpage has simple form , background image. the page doesn't react different screen resolutions i.e. not responsive. here's screenfly of page see issue how can make web page responsive , fit screens? html: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title> yes landing page </title> <link href="styles.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="form/stylesform.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/> </head> <body> <div id="content"> <img id="shadow" src="images/shadow.png"/> <div id="bg"><img id="bg2" src="images/bgbig.png"/></div> <div id="ul1">...

c# - Algorithm for path in an undirected graph between 2 points -

suppose have undirected graph, , 2 nodes , b. need write method find path without cycles between , b. edges of graph have same weight. method must terminate finds such path. how can implement this? without major limitations can visit graph like. 2 common are: for more advice try someting , show effort on part.

java - Int to Byte with same value -

i have , int , byte, need byte value same value int, answers have found end this: int = 234; byte b = (byte) i; system.out.println(b); // -22 int i2 = b & 0xff; system.out.println(i2); // 234 now if int equaled 234, need byte value when printed out 234, not -22, understand why printed out -22 not need. if knows how please me. you can't. byte can store numbers between -128 , 127 . when converting integer not representable, loss of information bound happen. to elaborate, when converting int byte , lowest 8 bits considered. 234 representable in these 8 bits result negative number ( -22 ) because msb 1. in code, when do int i2 = b & 0xff; it renders number 32-bit integer bits except lowest 8 set zero. therefore, result same number 234 .

Joomla file system routing -

a friend asked me him change on joomla website, i'm having bit of difficulty understanding file system , routing. i've read far, looks sef urls activated. if sub directory /index.php/standings, instance, how can figure out templates/modules/etc being used/loaded url? note - have ftp access, access admin if necessary. now if sub directory /index.php/standings, instance, how can figure out templates/modules/etc being used/loaded url? you'll need admin access. for template(s) sign-in backend go extensions > template manager. you'll see details of templates installed on site , there 1 default template (marked star) location 'site' . all pages on site use template unless other templates have been assigned specific pages. find other assigned templates check mark in assigned column, click template name, under the menu assignment tab menu items template has been assigned to. for modules/etc . backend go menus , locate menu standings...

Rails: Include nested objects in json response -

i´m trying write json response include objects associations. object structure: category - sub_categories - options - city i going respond list of categories include sub_categories , options , city object each option. have now: categories.as_json(:include => [:sub_categories, :options => :city]) which gives me "typeerror (can't clone symbol):" server error. if try: categories.as_json(:include => [:sub_categories, :options]) it works need include city-object each options well. how can this?

c# - Iterating through a list of XML Elements -

i place follow-up asked question apparently i'm not allowed continue in same thread. in previous question ( iterating through list of elements inside element specific index ) looking value of of urls in xml. proper way access different values inside same node? example: <list index="1" name="" title="" id="5702f74a-9df2-12e5-89e0-f947f6dd0a1f"> <theme> <properties> <field index="1"/> <field index="2" name="title"></field> </properties> <list> <item id="f391fada-90c5-f239-a836-25ca76311286"> <field index="1"> <url>49e424a8ae1bf4707bf4d27c4614e905.png</url> <title></title> </field> <field index="2" name="question">this question</field> <field index="3" name="answ...

c++ - Reversing RotateAxisAngle back to angles -

i'm trying figure out how reverse rotateaxisangle rotations around these arbitrary axes (or equivalent rotations yield same net rotation, doesn't have identical). know how it? i'm using mathgeolib, don't see opposite way, return angles axes, when have matrix. here's forward direction code (rotateaxisangle mathgeolib): float4x4 matrixrotation = float4x4::rotateaxisangle(axisx, toradian(rotation.x)); matrixrotation = matrixrotation * float4x4::rotateaxisangle(axisy, toradian(rotation.y)); matrixrotation = matrixrotation * float4x4::rotateaxisangle(axisz, toradian(rotation.z)); now want degrees, these arbitrary axes, in same order (well, pull off z, y, x), if did again, forward direction, yield same net rotations. here's sample/matrix corresponding set of rotations posted above, if helps, on reversing it: axisx: x 0.80878228 float y -0.58810818 float z 0.00000000 float rot axis: 30.000000 float axisy: x 0.58811820 float y 0.80877501 ...

html - How do I align div elements where some have text and some don't? -

i trying have series of inline-block div elements inside parent block div element sit @ same height. of divs have text in them , others not. text in divs needs vertically centered not horizontally. used line-height center text, div no text not align others. here code: <div class='line'> <div class='sometext'>text 1</div> <div class='sometext'>text 2</div> <div class='notext'></div> <div class='sometext'>text 3</div> <div class='sometext'>text 4</div> </div> .line{ display: block; height: 50px; max-height: 50px; } .sometext{ display: inline-block; line-height: 50px; background-color: red; padding: 10px; } .notext { display: inline-block; height: 50px; width:50px; background-color: blue; padding: 10px; } could explain me why happening and/or give possible solution? avoid ...

Getting Youtube data using Python -

i'm trying learn how analyze social media data available on web , i'm starting youtube. from apiclient.errors import httperror import argparser apiclient.discovery import build import pandas pd developer_key = "aizasyb_f1mcrdydebguosnzes-nw-mg1caoyji" youtube_api_service_name = "youtube" youtube_api_version = "v3" argparser.add_argument("--q", help="search term", default="apple product") argparser.add_argument("--max-results", help="max results", default=50) args = argparser.parse_args() options = args and error. argumenterror traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-37-ebbf58549b73> in <module>() ----> 1 argparser.add_argument("--q", help="search term", default="apple product") 2 argparser.add_argument("--max-results", help="max results", default=50) 3 args = argparse...

c# - SQL Server 2014 Express - Instance is not visible in Visual Studio 2013 -

i have installed sql server express 2014, because create database entity framework. don't need remote access, because installed visual studio , sql server express on same machine. don't have access sql server instance. there more steps have access it. instance running. thanks andreas

python - How to present numpy array into pygame surface? -

i'm writing code part of reading image source , displaying on screen user interact with. need sharpened image data. use following read data , display in pygame def image_and_sharpen_array(file_name): #read image data , return it, sharpened image image = misc.imread(file_name) blurred = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image,3) edge = ndimage.gaussian_filter(blurred,1) alpha = 20 out = blurred + alpha*(blurred - edge) return image,out #get image data scan,sharpen = image_and_sharpen_array('foo.jpg') w,h,c = scan.shape #setting pygame pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w,h)) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(screen,scan) pygame.display.update() and image displayed on screen rotated , inverted. due differences between misc.imread , pygame ? or due wrong in code? is there other way this? majority of solution read involved saving figure , reading ``pygame''. every lib has own way of interpreting image arrays. 'rotate...

android - EditText onClick not working in fragment -

i have set onclick property of edittext located in fragment: <edittext android:id="@+id/edittext1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:inputtype="none" android:maxlines="1" android:singleline="true" android:layout_margintop="16dp" android:focusable="false" android:longclickable="false" android:clickable="true" android:onclick="dosomething" android:cursorvisible="false" android:editable="false"> then in fragment class have: public void dosomething(view view) { //show dialogfragment... } but method dosomething grayed out , warning 'method dosomething never used'. note: code in activity , working fine. is there way handle onclick in fragments? ...

how to change sql query to linq? -

how change sql query linq? have 3 join last join select query. select mod.modserial, met.metserial, met.waterno, met.powerno, gro.groupdate metldb.dbo.tblmet met join metdb.dbo.tblmod mod on mod.modid= met.modid_fk join metdb.dbo.tblgroupdata gro on gro.metid_fk= met.metid join(select metid_fk, max(groupdataid) maxgroupdata metdb.dbo.tblgroupdata group metid_fk) g on met.metid=g.metid_fk , gro.groupdataid=g.maxgroupdata here go pretty: using (metdbentities ctnx = new metdbentities()) { var query1 = grp in ctnx.tblgroupdatas group grp grp.metid_fk g let maxid = g.max(gid => gid.groupdataid) select new { metid = g.key, maxid }; var query2 = met in ctnx.tblmets mod in ctnx.tblmods.where(mo => mo.modid == met.modid_fk) grp in ctnx.tblgroupdatas.where(gr...

javascript - How to change existing menu to responsive design? -

i creating web site using php , html , css. non existing responsive site. want change menu existing responsive site ? my menu global naivagtion , admin interface showing non responsive? code designed table?how change method ? here code paste here: <?php $session_file=$dir_sessions.".".$sid; if(file_exists($session_file)&&$sid!="") { //echo "if"; $sfile=file($session_file); $sinfo=explode("||",$sfile[0]); ################################################# $lms_userid=$sinfo[0]; $lms_exptime=$sinfo[1]; $lms_username=$sinfo[2]; $lms_useremail=$sinfo[3]; $lms_userlevel=$sinfo[4]; $lms_user_group=$sinfo[5]; $lms_user_subgroup=$sinfo[6]; $lms_usergroup_file=$sinfo[7]; $lms_org=$sinfo[8]; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function changepassword() {'changepassword.php','changepassword','resiza...

c# - A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type 'System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.ProjectModel_ -

firstly using database first entity framework model classes auto generated given classes : public partial class customer { public customer() { this.customersites = new hashset<customersite>(); this.addresses = new hashset<address>(); } public int customerid { get; set; } public string customername { get; set; } public string notes { get; set; } public nullable<int> company_id { get; set; } public string username { get; set; } public string phone { get; set; } public string firstname { get; set; } public string lastname { get; set; } public string email { get; set; } public string fax { get; set; } public string mobile { get; set; } public string address { get; set; } public string status { get; set; } public string unitno { get; set; } public string contactperson { get; set; } public string pic { get; set; } public string displayname { get; set; } public string ...