php - Wordpress: How to get posts that don't contain a specific category with a custom query -

i need display posts don't contain specific category. use following query, retrive post contains category 81 since post contains other categories. there way sort out?

select p1.*, wm2.meta_value  wp_posts p1  left join wp_postmeta wm1 on (     wm1.post_id =     , wm1.meta_value not null     , wm1.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' ) left join wp_postmeta wm2 on (     wm1.meta_value = wm2.post_id     , wm2.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'     , wm2.meta_value not null ) left join wp_term_relationships wtr on ( ) p1.post_status='publish' , p1.post_type='post' , `term_taxonomy_id`<>81 group id order p1.post_date desc limit 0,10 

thank you!

this should works

select p1.*, wm2.meta_value  wp_posts p1  left join wp_postmeta wm1 on (     wm1.post_id =     , wm1.meta_value not null     , wm1.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' ) left join wp_postmeta wm2 on (     wm1.meta_value = wm2.post_id     , wm2.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'     , wm2.meta_value not null ) left join wp_term_relationships wtr on ( ) p1.post_status='publish' , p1.post_type='post' , object_id not in (select `object_id` wp_term_relationships `term_taxonomy_id`=81) group id order p1.post_date desc limit 0,10 


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