Unable to click on list button option in selenium : Exception Element not visible -

hi trying select on list option cold , flu getting element not visible exception, can please me how select in selenium script.

site url : http://www.healthdirect.gov.au/symptom-checker/tool?symptom=cold

colds , flu

here selenium code

public void selectspecificsymptom(string arg) throws interruptedexception {     // todo auto-generated method stub     switch(arg.tolowercase())     {     case "cold , flu":      /*  actions actions = new actions(driver);         webelement menuhoverlink = driver.findelement(by.xpath("//*[@ng-true-value='49|feeling sick or unwell|1']"));         actions.movetoelement(menuhoverlink);         actions.click();         actions.perform();*/          thread.sleep(5000);          driver.findelement(by.xpath("//*[@ng-true-value='49|feeling sick or unwell|1']")).click();          driver.findelement(by.id("submitanswer"));         break;     default:         system.out.println("not valid option");         break;     }      } 

try code:

public class stack{      @test public static void select() throws interruptedexception{              webdriver driver = new firefoxdriver();             driver.manage().window().maximize();             driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(50, timeunit.seconds);             driver.get("http://www.healthdirect.gov.au/symptom-checker/tool");              //wait iframe , switch              webdriverwait wait = new webdriverwait(driver, 30);             webelement frame = wait.until(expectedconditions.visibilityofelementlocated(by.xpath("//*[contains(@id, 'easyxdm_default')]")));             driver.switchto().frame(frame);             thread.sleep(11000);              //get health topics , select 1 matches              list<webelement> l = driver.findelements(by.xpath("//*[@id='leftcol']/div/button"));              (int = 0; < l.size(); i++) {                 system.out.println(l.get(i).gettext());                     if (l.get(i).gettext().equalsignorecase("ear, nose , throat")){                         l.get(i).click();                         thread.sleep(2000);                          //get symptoms , select needed                          list<webelement> l1 = driver.findelements(by.xpath("//*[@id='contentheight']/div[2]/button"));                         //place second loop second list here                         l1.get(1).click(); //just test 'colds , flu' link                      }             } 


  • you have have 1 iframe on there, need switch before want click on element
  • i had bad internet when trying, adjust thread.sleeep() or wait element explicit waits
  • do remember switch iframe if want operate outside


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