python - How to label and change the scale of Seaborn kdeplot's axes -

here's code

import numpy np numpy.random import randn import pandas pd scipy import stats import matplotlib mpl import matplotlib.pyplot plt import seaborn sns   fig = sns.kdeplot(treze, shade=true, color=c1,cut =0, clip=(0,2000)) fig = sns.kdeplot(cjjardim, shade=true, color=c2,cut =0, clip=(0,2000))  fig.figure.suptitle("plot", fontsize = 24)  plt.xlabel('purchase amount', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('distribution', fontsize=16) 

, results in following plot:

enter image description here

i want 2 things:

1) change scale of y-axis multiplying values 10000 and, if it's possible, add % sign numbers. in other words, want y-axis values shown in above plot 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, , 30%.

2) add more values x-axis. i'm particularly interested in showing data in intervals of 200. in other words, want x-axis values shown in plot 0, 200, 400, 600,... , on.

1) looking combination of get_yticks() , set_yticks:

plt.yticks(fig.get_yticks(), fig.get_yticks() * 100) plt.ylabel('distribution [%]', fontsize=16) 

note: mwaskom commenting times 10000 , % sign mathematically incorrect.

2) can specify want ticks via xticks function. have more ticks , data easier read. not more data way.

plt.xticks([0, 200, 400, 600]) plt.xlabel('purchase amount', fontsize=18) 

note: if wanted limit view specified x-values might have glimpse @ plt.xlim() , reduce figure interesting range.


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