javascript - Rotation does not change after setting transformation matrix for camera -

any idea how apply transformation matrix perspectivecamera? have transformation matrix , setting perspective camera using


it correctly sets camera.position camera.quaternion remains unchanged. rotation works when set camera.matrixautoupdate = false breaks trackballcontrols. have tried adding camera.updatematrix trackballcontrols again, resets rotation. have tried setting position, quaternion , scale of camera manually as:

camera.matrixautoupdate = false; camera.usequaternion = true;  var position = new three.vector3(); var quaternion = new three.quaternion(); var scale = new three.vector3(1, 1, 1); transformationmatrix.decompose(position, quaternion, scale);  camera.position.copy(position); camera.quaternion.coy(quaternion); camera.scale.copy(scale);  camera.updatematrix(); 

it yields same result, set correctly trackballcontrols not work.

edit: want set matrix once, not @ every frame.

inside animate loop try call camera.matrix.identity() before camera.applymatrix(transformationmatrix) , call controls.update() after camera.applymatrix(transformationmatrix):


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