c# - Linq to Sql escape WHERE clause -

i have linq-to-sql query

  daynamiccontext.log = new system.io.streamwriter("f:\\linq-to-sql.txt") { autoflush = true })   var tt = daynamiccontext.gettable(tbl);   var query = ((from c in tt c.isdeleted != true select c.id).take(1)).tolist(); 

the result of final query correct got single id.

enter image description here

the problem when have big data got out of memory exception.

when checked generated query

select [t0].[id], [t0].[createdby], [t0].[createddate], [t0].[modifiedby],  [t0].[modifieddate], [t0].[isdeleted], [t0].[untiletime], [t0].[desktop],  [t0].[laptop], [t0].[title], [t0].[responsive], [t0].[mobile], [t0].[activetime], [t0].[tablet] [countent_freearea] [t0] 

it seems linq-to-sql getting data database , filtering on memory.

public class context {     private datacontext daynamiccontext;     public datacontext daynamiccontext     {                 {             if (daynamiccontext == null)             {                 system.configuration.connectionstringsettingscollection connectionstrings = webconfigurationmanager.connectionstrings;                 daynamiccontext = new datacontext(connectionstrings["connectionstrings"].tostring());             }             return daynamiccontext;         }     } } 

the gettable method fetch whole table first , select first value list. instead of using take(), use firstordefault().


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