c# - Load rtf in bindable RichTexBox mvvm wpf -
i'm new mvvm , load rtf file in richtextbox using mvvm, text doesn't seem display in richtextbox. looks richtextbox pretty complex deal when trying place commands in viewmodel. i'm not sure go wrong.
flowdocument _script; public flowdocument script { { return _script; } set { _script = value; raisepropertychanged("script"); } } . . . private void loadscript() { openfile.initialdirectory = "c:\\"; if (openfile.showdialog() == true) { string originalfilename = system.io.path.getfullpath(openfile.filename); if (openfile.checkfileexists) { script = new flowdocument(); textrange range = new textrange(script.contentstart, script.contentend); filestream fstream = new filestream(originalfilename, system.io.filemode.openorcreate); range.load(fstream, dataformats.rtf); fstream.close(); } } }
the view
datacontext="{binding scriptbreakdownviewmodel, source={staticresource locator}}"> <grid> <richtextbox local:richtextboxhelper.documentrtf="{binding script}" x:name="rtfmain" horizontalalignment="left" width="673" verticalscrollbarvisibility="visible" margin="0,59,0,10.4" />
the richtextboxhelper
public class richtextboxhelper : dependencyobject { public static string getdocumentrtf(dependencyobject obj) { return (string)obj.getvalue(documentrtfproperty); } public static void setdocumentrtf(dependencyobject obj, string value) { obj.setvalue(documentrtfproperty, value); } public static readonly dependencyproperty documentrtfproperty = dependencyproperty.registerattached( "documentrtf", typeof(string), typeof(richtextboxhelper), new frameworkpropertymetadata { bindstwowaybydefault = true, propertychangedcallback = (obj, e) => { var richtextbox = (richtextbox)obj; // parse xaml document (or use xamlreader.parse()) var rtf = getdocumentrtf(richtextbox); var doc = new flowdocument(); var range = new textrange(doc.contentstart, doc.contentend); range.load(new memorystream(encoding.utf8.getbytes(rtf)), dataformats.rtf); // set document richtextbox.document = doc; // when document changes update source range.changed += (obj2, e2) => { if (richtextbox.document == doc) { memorystream buffer = new memorystream(); range.save(buffer, dataformats.rtf); setdocumentrtf(richtextbox, encoding.utf8.getstring(buffer.toarray())); } }; } }); }
and model
flowdocument _script; public flowdocument script // name property { { return _script; } set { _script = value; notifypropertychanged("script"); } }
i tried fill in gaps in sample code above, dependency property never triggered.
instead, got richtextbox populate changing xaml slightly:
<button height="30" width="70" verticalalignment="top" command="{binding openfilecommand}" commandparameter="{binding elementname=myrichtextbox}">load</button> <richtextbox name="myrichtextbox" horizontalalignment="left" width="673" verticalscrollbarvisibility="visible" margin="0,59,0,10.4"></richtextbox>
there button bound openfilecommand
, property on viewmodel. passes richtextbox parameter command itself. i've moved loadscript()
method viewmodel command.
public class openfilecommand : icommand { private openfiledialog openfile = new openfiledialog(); public bool canexecute(object parameter) { return true; } public void execute(object parameter) { var rtf = parameter richtextbox; rtf.document = loadscript(); } public event eventhandler canexecutechanged; private flowdocument loadscript() { openfile.initialdirectory = "c:\\"; if (openfile.showdialog() == true) { string originalfilename = system.io.path.getfullpath(openfile.filename); if (openfile.checkfileexists) { var script = new flowdocument(); textrange range = new textrange(script.contentstart, script.contentend); filestream fstream = new filestream(originalfilename, system.io.filemode.openorcreate); range.load(fstream, dataformats.rtf); fstream.close(); return script; } } return null; } }
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