x86 - Assembly code to print a new line string -

i have assembly code print (display) string. problem i'm not able how print 2 string different line!

.model small  .stack 100h  .data msg1 db 'fun $' msg2 db 'day!$' .code  main proc mov ax, @data mov ds, ax   lea dx,msg1 mov ah,9 lea dx,msg2 mov ah,9  int 21h   mov ah,4ch  int 21h  main endp end main 

the output should like:

fun  day! 

but in result:


help me!

you missing int 21h call first part, that's why second printed. 2 lines, append cr lf string. can print whole thing @ once, such as:

.model small  .stack 100h  .data msg db 'fun', 10, 13, 'day!$' .code  main proc mov ax, @data mov ds, ax   lea dx,msg mov ah,9 int 21h  mov ah,4ch  int 21h  main endp end main 


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