ios - self.extensionContext!.openURL open app but calls no method -

i trying wire today extensions app using following piece of code:

override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, accessorybuttontappedforrowwithindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {     let selection=buscollection[indexpath.row];     let palina=selection?.palina;     let urlasstring = "widget://pathto/" + "\(palina)"     let url = nsurl(string: urlasstring)     self.extensioncontext!.openurl(url!, completionhandler: { (success: bool) -> void in             print("completed")         }     )     tableview.deselectrowatindexpath(indexpath, animated: false) } 

yet activating method correctly opens app launches in standard way without calling:

-(bool) application:(uiapplication *)application handleopenurl:(nsurl *)url 

what may issue? of course registered widget on info.plist file, otherwise app not have been opened.

it did end calling delegate method.


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