How to make SQL Server 2008 table primary key auto increment with some prefix -
the given query in mysql format. want same query in sql server 2008.
create table table1_seq ( id int not null auto_increment primary key ); create table table1 ( id varchar(7) not null primary key default '0', name varchar(30) );
now trigger
delimiter $$ create trigger tg_table1_insert before insert on table1 each row begin insert table1_seq values (null); set = concat('lhpl', lpad(last_insert_id(), 3, '0')); end$$ delimiter ;
then insert rows table1
insert table1 (name) values ('jhon'), ('mark');
and you'll have
| id | name | ------------------ | lhpl001 | jhon | | lhpl002 | mark |
this may answer question
-- create table 'abcd' prefix, combining identity column id create table dbo.persons ( id int identity (1,1) not null ,personid ('abcd' + convert(varchar(20), id)) persisted not null primary key ,name varchar(100) ); go -- not specify calculated column when insert values table insert dbo.persons (name) values ('person1'), ('person2'), ('person3'); go -- display records table select personid, name dbo.persons; go
this approach not require create separate table , trigger, therefore efficient.
hope helps.
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