liferay 6 - Sharepoint 2010 CMIS Integration -
i have been trying connect liferay 6.2 ee sharepoint 2010 using cmis. failing. steps followed -
1) install sharepoint connector
2) created user common in both sharepoint , liferay
3) activate sharepoint cmis producer
4) added repository these details -
repository type - sharepoint site url - http://<domain>/_vti_bin/cmis/rest/<repo id>?getrepositoryinfo library name - <repo id>
i able create repository no documents , folders being fetched. backend error -
axisfault faultcode: {}http faultsubcode: faultstring: (405)the service method invoked requires optional capability not supported repository. faultactor: faultnode: faultdetail: {}:return code: 405 no service point mapped request. {}httperrorcode:405 (405)the service method invoked requires optional capability not supported repository. @ org.apache.axis.transport.http.httpsender.readfromsocket(
any clues.
sharepoint not implement entire cmis spec. found article while finding answers sharepoint dotcmis issues, perhaps might useful.
...the point sharepoint not follow spec 100% ... while can create custom mechanism use aspects of sharepoint via cmis, highly doubt can function 100% way need function via documents , media portlet. why had write custom implementation hybrid of cmis + ms webservices. our ootb solution 6.1 ce not work. need use 6.1 ee + sharepoint hook.
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