laravel - L5 Paypal Integration - Finding Controller method -
i trying integrate paypal laravel 5 site using package:
when go to: /paypal/checkout
though, error:
invalidargumentexception in urlgenerator.php line 561: action app\http\controllers\paypalcontroller@getdone not defined.
this route:
route::get('/paypal/checkout', [ 'as' => 'get-paypal-checkout', 'uses' => 'paypalcontroller@getcheckout' ]);
and paypalcontroller:
<?php namespace app\http\controllers; use app\http\requests; use app\http\controllers\controller; use paypal; use redirect; use illuminate\http\request; class paypalcontroller extends controller { private $_apicontext; public function __construct() { $this->_apicontext = paypal::apicontext( config('services.paypal.client_id'), config('services.paypal.secret')); $this->_apicontext->setconfig(array( 'mode' => 'sandbox', 'service.endpoint' => '', 'http.connectiontimeout' => 30, 'log.logenabled' => true, 'log.filename' => storage_path('logs/paypal.log'), 'log.loglevel' => 'fine' )); } public function getcheckout() { $payer = paypal::payer(); $payer->setpaymentmethod('paypal'); $amount = paypal:: amount(); $amount->setcurrency('eur'); $amount->settotal(42); // simple way, // can alternatively describe in order separately; // reference paypal php rest sdk details. $transaction = paypal::transaction(); $transaction->setamount($amount); $transaction->setdescription('what selling?'); $redirecturls = paypal:: redirecturls(); $redirecturls->setreturnurl(action('paypalcontroller@getdone')); $redirecturls->setcancelurl(action('paypalcontroller@getcancel')); $payment = paypal::payment(); $payment->setintent('sale'); $payment->setpayer($payer); $payment->setredirecturls($redirecturls); $payment->settransactions(array($transaction)); $response = $payment->create($this->_apicontext); $redirecturl = $response->links[1]->href; return redirect::to( $redirecturl ); } public function getdone(request $request) { $id = $request->get('paymentid'); $token = $request->get('token'); $payer_id = $request->get('payerid'); $payment = paypal::getbyid($id, $this->_apicontext); $paymentexecution = paypal::paymentexecution(); $paymentexecution->setpayerid($payer_id); $executepayment = $payment->execute($paymentexecution, $this->_apicontext); // clear shopping cart, write database, send notifications, etc. // thank user purchase return view('checkout.done'); } public function getcancel() { // curse , humiliate user cancelling sacred payment (yours) return view('checkout.cancel'); } }
any appreciated.
although laravel allows generate url's actions. researched happened in code.
in urlgenerator class:
/** * url controller action. * * @param string $action * @param mixed $parameters * @param bool $absolute * @return string * * @throws \invalidargumentexception */ public function action($action, $parameters = [], $absolute = true) { if ($this->rootnamespace && !(strpos($action, '\\') === 0)) { $action = $this->rootnamespace.'\\'.$action; } else { $action = trim($action, '\\'); } if (!is_null($route = $this->routes->getbyaction($action))) { return $this->toroute($route, $parameters, $absolute); } throw new invalidargumentexception("action {$action} not defined."); }
it search defined route specified action , in fact returns link based on route. have define route paypaycontroller@getdone work.
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