ruby on rails - How to insert hint information right after the input box? -
not issue question need
is possible attached html values right after input box? small text info below input box
i have did similar not pretty.
f.inputs "blog" f.input :view_counts, :input_html => { :readonly => true } f.input :slug li raw("<label class='label'> </label><span class='text-info'>your slug automatically based on title or can choose enter own slug title</span>") f.input :title f.input :content, :as => :ckeditor f.input :is_active f.input :admin_user_id, as: :hidden, :input_html => { :value => } end
the code between :slug , :title. catch draft of trying do. thanks
you can add label like:
<label for="slug" class="hint">your slug automatically based on title or can choose enter own slug title</label>
then add css styling like:
.hint { font-weight: normal; color: #777; font-size: .85em; }
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