php - Symfony2 fail during installation -
i trying use symfony2 local wamp server. used
php -r "readfile('');" > symfony
i moved symfony file c:\wamp\www\test
php symfony php symfony new myproject
but message appear
warning: include(phar://c:/wamp/www/symfony/symfony/vendor/symfony/process/symfo ny/component/process/processutils.php): failed open stream: phar error: canno t open phar archive "c:/wamp/www/symfony/symfony" reading in phar://c:/wamp/ www/symfony/symfony/vendor/composer/classloader.php on line 412
the line 412
function includefile($file) { include $file; }
why did have error during installation ? did not perform other actions except following instructions on official website.
why don't use composer?the composer make more "symfony" command file.
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