php - Parsing XML too slow? -
i read similar questios, don't understand how can xml data url faster?
why code runs slow:
while($id = $getfix->fetch()){ $odds=$this->soccer->getalloddsbyfixturematchid(array("fixturematch_id"=>$id['id'])); } if(!empty($odds)){ $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("call insupd_odds(:fixturematchid, :bookmaker, :updateddate, :type,:homeodds, :drawodds, :awayodds, :handicap)"); foreach($odds $key=>$value){ $stmt->bindparam(':fixturematchid',$value->fixturematch_id); $stmt->bindparam(':bookmaker',$value->bookmaker); $stmt->bindparam(':updateddate',$value->updateddate); $stmt->bindparam(':type',$value->type); $stmt->bindparam(':homeodds',$value->homeodds); $stmt->bindparam(':drawodds',$value->drawodds); $stmt->bindparam(':awayodds',$value->awayodds); $stmt->bindparam(':handicap',$value->handicap); $stmt->execute(); } }
i need list odds fixture id stored in database, need call ids database , send id's xml feeder returns me odds fixtures , store database... s running more 300 seconds , execute...
this important parser code:
public function __call($name,$params){ $data=$this->request($this->buildurl($name,$params)); if(false===($xml = simplexml_load_string($data))) throw new xmlsoccerexception("invalid xml"); if(strstr($xml[0],"to avoid misuse of service")){ switch($name){ case "getlivescore": case "getlivescorebyleague": case "getoddsbyfixturematchid": case "gethistoricmatchesbyleagueandseason": case "getallteams": case "getallteamsbyleagueandseason": throw new xmlsoccerexception($xml[0],constant("self::timeout_".$name)); default: throw new xmlsoccerexception($xml[0],self::timeout_others); } } return $xml; }
i know main problem in xml checking id's, way can odds fixture, can use leagues, same...
in following...
while($id = $getfix->fetch()) { $odds=$this->soccer->getalloddsbyfixturematchid(array("fixturematch_id"=>$id['id'])); }
it appears may querying remotely whole bunch of odds storing them in same variable. when out of loop have last set of odds collected available insert/update or other processing.
however, nice have bit more description doing, different methods expected , return, , on.
again, guessing, perhaps have date of last update on records? if so, , rely on it, first call might return records, next call might return 1 record (since looks last 1 fetched processed) , on. that's lot of fetch requests external site -- explain long execution time.
if i'm barking wrong tree please supply additional details , i'll try provide better diagnosis.
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