Laravel 5 : php artisan route:list Illuminate\Container\BindingResolutionException] -

when use command "php artisan route:list" have error

[illuminate\container\bindingresolutionexception] unresolvable dependency resolving [parameter #0 [ <required> $methods ]] in class illuminate\routing\route 

the command works nicely when have

route::get('/', 'welcomecontroller@index'); route::get('home', 'homecontroller@index'); 

but add other routes, have exception

i found problem :

i'm doing ioc in controller , inject illuminate\routing\route. delete injection works.

i have basecontroller extends controller.

the basecontroller is

class basecontroller extends controller {  /**  * @var array options used pages  */ protected $options;  /**  * @param route $route  */ public function __construct(route $route) {     $this->options = option::getautoloaded();      // load options named route page     $this->options = array_merge($this->options, option::getbypage($route->getaction()['as']));      $this->initlistplugins(); } 

a controller is

class mediascontroller extends basecontroller {   public function __construct(route $route) {     parent::__construct($route);      $this->options = array_merge($this->options, option::getbypage('media')); } 

now thre problem how fix :)

thanx help

when ever see error think of typo's, make sure recheck those.

just make sure route linked correct controller@function:

route::get('medias', ['uses' => 'mediascontroller@getmedialist', 'as' => 'medias.index'])  

would go mediascontroller in http/controllers:

class mediascontroller extends controller {

public function getmedialist() {     return view('medialist'); } 


also make sure controller has correct return view. , if you're using

{!! link_to_route('medias.index', 'media list') !!}  

make sure have "illuminate/html": "5.0.*@dev" installed through composer.json aswell.


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