c - GCC exiting with an error 1 even with -Wall. No explanation why? -
so tried recompile 1 of projects few weeks ago , surprise keep receiving error 1 on it. used mingw compile , eclipse cdt. have -wall flag enabled on gcc assumed if problem code have more useful information make error 1 being thrown. such, suspect issue lie in how formatted make file. luckily, did compile project when push commits last time , binaries still in repo. nevertheless, appreciate can continue improve project. edit: when -all, refuses compile. here makefile. hope simple me following incorrect syntax: cc=gcc -i../include -l..\lib override cflags+=-wall -o3 #$(shell pkg-config --cflags fftw3) #override ldflags+=#$(shell pkg-config --libs fftw3 glib-2.0) -lm .phony: clean all: lvdoenc lvdodec lvdoenc: lvdoenc.o lvdomain.o $(cc) $(cflags) -o $@ $^ $(ldflags) -i../include -l../lib -lfftw3 lvdodec: lvdodec.o lvdomain.o $(cc) $(cflags) -o $@ $^ $(ldflags) -i../include -l../lib -lfftw3 %.o: %.c $(cc) -c $(cflags) -o $@ $^ lvdoenc.c: lvdocommon.h lvdodec.c: ...