python - Wrong widget order using vbox layout PyQt -

i trying put qlabel widget on top of (ie before) qlineedit widget edit.

but keeps appearing after qlineedit widget. code,

class centralwidget(qtgui.qwidget):      def __init__(self, parent=none):         super(centralwidget, self).__init__(parent)          # set layouts         self.layout = qtgui.qvboxlayout(self)          # flags         self.randflag = false                 self.sphereflag = false         self.waterflag = false          # poly names         self.pnames = qtgui.qlabel("import file name", self) # label concerned         self.polynameinput = qtgui.qlineedit(self)           # line edit concerned          # polytype selection         self.polytypename = qtgui.qlabel("particle type", self)         polytype = qtgui.qcombobox(self)         polytype.additem("")         polytype.additem("random polyhedra")         polytype.additem("spheres")         polytype.additem("waterman polyhedra")         polytype.activated[str].connect(self.onactivated)          self.layout.addwidget(self.pnames)         self.layout.addwidget(self.polynameinput)         self.layout.addwidget(self.pnames)         self.layout.addwidget(self.polytypename)         self.layout.addwidget(polytype)         self.layout.addstretch()      def onactivated(self, text):         # loads of clever stuff i'm not @ liberty share  class polyhedra(qtgui.qmainwindow):      def __init__(self):          super(polyhedra, self).__init__()          self.central_widget = centralwidget(self)         self.setcentralwidget(self.central_widget)          # set window                 self.setgeometry(500, 500, 300, 300)         self.setwindowtitle('pyticle')      # combo box     def onactivated(self, text):          self.central_widget.onactivated(text)  def main():      app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv)     poly = polyhedra()     sys.exit(app.exec_())   if __name__ == '__main__':     main() 

the window below.

what missing? thought qvbox allowed stack things vertically in order add items main widget. (are these sub-widget objects called widgets?)

the window get,

the problem because adding self.pnames label layout twice.

#portion of code ...  self.layout.addwidget(self.pnames)        # here  self.layout.addwidget(self.polynameinput) self.layout.addwidget(self.pnames)         # , here self.layout.addwidget(self.polytypename) self.layout.addwidget(polytype) self.layout.addstretch() ... 

the first time add qlabel, gets added before lineedit , when add second time, moves bottom of lineedit. happens because there 1 object of qlabel self.pnames. can added 1 location. if want use 2 labels, consider creating 2 separate objects of qlabel


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