github - Latex \newcommand in kramdown -

i understand cramdown not support \newcommand type macros. there workaround not involve pandoc, used jekyll in github blog?

this input markdown:

--- layout: post ---  \newcommand{\a}{\alpha}  test $$\a$$. 

the output should jekyll blog, mathematical notation, this.

there seems 2 questions here — first, can 1 define commands in kramdown similar latex's \newcommand syntax, , second, can kramdown support mathematics.

regarding first issue, kramdown doesn't support syntax or i'm aware of, and isn't going in future, can't define non-math kramdown commands. you'd need use language that's focused on completeness rather ease , simplicity, latex, features that.

for math, though, mathjax (the parser kramdown uses) parse \newcommand: go ahead , use in first code block. example,

$$\newcommand{\a}{\alpha} \a{}/2 $$ 

yields expected fraction expected computer modern italic greek alpha, , you'll able use \a in every subsequent code block. can have code block @ beginning of document contains of \newcommand definitions if don't want them interspersed in random code blocks throughout document.

regarding second issue, guess obvious @ point, kramdown handle math using similar notation latex:

here paragraph inline math, $$ \pi{}/2 $$, followed text , math block.  $$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} dx = \sqrt{\pi} $$ 

this yields:

<p>here paragraph inline math, <script type="math/tex">\pi{}/2</script>, followed text , math  block.</p>  <script type="math/tex; mode=display">\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} dx = \sqrt{\pi}</script> 

if isn't rendering on site, don't forget include mathjax library in <head> of html page:

<script type="text/javascript"     src=""> </script> 


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