ajax - How to send file upload path with normal data to controller in jquery -

i want send file upload image path normal data controller in jquery ajax call . when send normal data works properly. when send image path works when send both in 1 time doesn't work. creates issue sometime ajax call doesn't work or sometime value shows null in controller.

i found many things on net not find exact solution. found solutions like.... missing " enctype" & way getting file upload path & many others.

this js file coding. working , getting complete image path in controller.

var data = new formdata(); var files = $("#btnuploadfile").get(0).files; if (files.length > 0) {     data.append("helpsectionimages", files[0]); } $.ajax ({     type: 'post',     url: '/login/submituserprofile',     processdata: false,     contenttype: false,     data: data,     success: function (result) {     },     error: function (result) {     } });      controller  [httppost] public void submituserprofile() {     request.files["helpsectionimages"];      //getting image path } 

simple view - use @using(html.beginform.......enctype = "multipart/form-data" , controls

but want send 1 parameter image path...

    var userdetail = {};     userdetail.experience = experience;     userdetail.pricetype = pricetype;     userdetail.services = services; 

now, want controller should image path userdetail information specified above.

finally, got solution of question. now, can send image path normal data controller in jquery.

js coding

    var userprofile = {};     var userdetail = {};      var hiduserid = $('#hiduserid').val();     var username = $('#txtusername').val();      var experience = $('#txtexperience').val();     var pricetype = $('#txtpricetype').val();      userprofile.hiduserid = hiduserid;     userprofile.username = username;      userdetail.experience = experience;     userdetail.pricetype = pricetype;      var userprofilejson = json.stringify(userprofile);     var userdetailjson = json.stringify(userdetail);      var data = new formdata();     var files = $("#btnuploadfile").get(0).files;     if (files.length > 0) {         data.append("useruploadedimage", files[0]);         data.append("userprofilejson", userprofilejson);         data.append("userdetailjson", userdetailjson);     }      $.ajax({         type: 'post',         url: '/login/submituserprofile',         processdata: false,         contenttype: false,         data: data,         success: function (result) {         },         error: function (result) {         }     }); 


    [httppost]     public string submituserprofile()     {         try         {             string userprofilejson = request.form["userprofilejson"];             string userdetailjson = request.form["userdetailjson"];             httppostedfilebase userimage = request.files["useruploadedimage"];          }     } 


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