visual studio - Azure : HOWTO/BEST-Practice : Publish WebApp with Webjob using blobs Q's to multiple destinations? -
i have webapp publish vs. have 3 publishing profiles (test, demo , production). each targets different server on azure, it's own sql behind it. added webjob using queue's , blob-storage. again test, demo , production create 3 different storage accounts.
on publishing time set different connection strings sql-connection straightforward. change in publishing wizard.
but connection string storage account ? how have them changed on publishing time correct environment ?
if understand question : set key in app webconfig dummy values
<appsettings> <add key="blobazure1" value="check azure" /> </appsettings>
get connection string blob @ runtime this:
cloudstorageaccount storageaccount = cloudstorageaccount.parse( cloudconfigurationmanager.getsetting("blobazure1"));
inside azure panel go web app properties , set real keys inside app setting. redeploy projects , work fine.
read article if have doubts windows azure web sites: how application strings , connection strings work
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