How do I compare dates using Eloquent in Laravel? -
when run code,
$entry_id = entry::where(function($q)use($intern,$input){ $q->where('interna_id',$intern['id']); $q->where('created_at','=','2015-06-06'); })->first(['id']);
it gives
select `id` `entries` (`interna_id` = 1 , `created_at` = 2015-06-06) limit 1
and can see, date not enclosed in ''
. causes problem , mysql not able find record. example, if add ''
, so,
select `id` `entries` (`interna_id` = 1 , `created_at` = '2015-06-06') limit 1
the query able retrieve correct record.
note:the created_at using date format, not datetime
of type date laravel. uses carbon package , expects such object. have like:
$entry_id = entry::where(function($q)use($intern,$input){ $q->where('interna_id',$intern['id']); $q->where('created_at','=', carbon::parse('2015-06-06')); })->first(['id']);
please note have include library on page using;
use carbon\carbon;enter code here
alternatively use db::raw
date (untested):
$entry_id = entry::where(function($q)use($intern,$input){ $q->where('interna_id',$intern['id']); $q->where('created_at','=', \db::raw('2015-06-06')); })->first(['id']);
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