excel vba - VBA Autofilter by whether a cell contains a number formatted as a string -

so writing macro sorts through sheet columns , clears cells containing kinds of data, if numeric. existing code catch number fields , clear them:

    selection.autofilter field:=(i + 1), criteria1:=">0"     range(cells(2, i), cells(70000, + 1)).select     selection.clear     worksheets("sheet1").showalldata       selection.autofilter field:=(i + 1), criteria1:="=0"     range(cells(2, i), cells(70000, + 1)).select     selection.clear     worksheets("sheet1").showalldata 

which works fine cells contain numbers in number format. of cells contain numbers formatted strings, ie what


would produce when typed excel. need create criteria autofilter recognizes if cell contains number formatted string, dont know how, since criteria:=">0" , criteria:="=0" ignored strings.

another way :) have commented code if still have questions, feel free post back.

sub sample()     dim rng range      '~~> change relevant sheet     sheet1                    '~~> change format of column number         '~~> example col         '~~> change applicable         .columns(1).numberformat = "0"          '~~> convert number stored text number         .columns(1).formula = .columns(1).value          '~~> use special cells select cells containing numbers         on error resume next         set rng = .columns(1).specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants, xlnumbers)         rng.clearcontents         on error goto 0                end end sub 


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