cmd - Batch file to search common strings in two text files -
i have 2 text files, all_codes.txt , downloaded_codes.txt wanted compare both text files , log if string missing in downloaded_codes.txt
>all_codes.txt have below strings
a1 a2 a3
> downloaded_codes.txt have below strings
a1 a3
in example, a2 missing in downloaded_codes.txt, want log "no" in log.txt if a2 present in downloaded_codes.txt,then want log "yes" in log.txt
this tried, not getting proper result:
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion / f "delims=~" % % h in (all_codes.txt) % % in (downloaded_codes.txt) do( set found = false / f "skip=2 tokens=*" % % b in ('findstr /i "%%h" "%%a"') do( if "!found!" == "false" ((echo yes > log.txt else(echo no > log.txt) set found = true )) )
@echo off findstr /v /g:downloaded_codes.txt all_codes.txt > nul (if errorlevel 1 (echo yes) else echo no) > log.txt
edit: example session:
c:\> type test.bat @echo off findstr /v /g:downloaded_codes.txt all_codes.txt > nul (if errorlevel 1 (echo yes) else echo no) c:\> type all_codes.txt a1 a2 a3 c:\> type downloaded_codes.txt a1 c:\> test no c:\> echo a3>> downloaded_codes.txt c:\> type downloaded_codes.txt a1 a3 c:\> test no c:\> echo a2>> downloaded_codes.txt c:\> type downloaded_codes.txt a1 a3 a2 c:\> test yes
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