mixed models - Drop random effects parameters from output table in Stata -

i want create regression table (using esttab) mixed-effects regression estimated via xtmixed in stata, want output without random effects parameters. how can drop random effects parameters output table? e.g., in case of 2 variables...

xtmixed (dependent variable) (independent variable) || (grouping variable))

... don't want lns1_1_1 , lnsig_e values in esttab-table. best way this?

there keep() , drop() option. example:

webuse productivity, clear  xtmixed gsp private emp hwy water other unemp || region: || state:, mle estimates store m1  // check result names matrix list e(b)  // -keep()- option estout m1, keep(private emp hwy water other unemp gsp:_cons)  // -drop()- option estout m1, drop(lns1_1_1:_cons lns2_1_1:_cons lnsig_e:_cons) 

in context of multiple equation estimation, resulting matrices have elements two-part names. general form equation-name:varname. result of matrix list shows this. afterwards, use appropriate names in keep() , drop() options.

see [u] 14.2 row , column names more details on naming conventions.

(recall esttab wrapper estout.)


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