javascript - Benefits of using $ versus foo.vaue -

in controller, can access inputs values value of dom id instead of setting ng-model directive , binding dom value $scope.

for example, in

<input type="text" ng-model="foo" id=foo> 

we can either use $ or foo.value in controller. advantage of using $scope in case?

i think main benefits of using ng-model instead of getting value of input id two-way binding. variable ng-model date , can use directly in html or wherever want.

<input type="text" ng-model="foo" id="fooinput" /> <p>ng-model value: <span ng-bind="foo"></span></p> 

if choose approach when value input id lose feature, little bit better performance. because whenever type into, trigger $digest cycle causing angular update watchers , bindings in app see if has changed.

a little demo on plunker.


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