c99 - Does comma separators in type definition in C guarantee the order? -
comma operators have lowest precedence , left-to-right associativity, guarantees order like:
i = ++j, j = i++;
2, , j
1 after statement if i
, j
both 0 @ first.
however, comma separators in type definition in c guarantee order? such as
int = 1, j = ++i;
your example comma operator, i = ++j, j = i++;
, well-defined because comma operator sequence point.
precedence/associativity not enough guarantee -- different order-of-evaluation , sequence points. example, i * 2 + i++ * 3
undefined because there no sequence points.
the comma separator between declarators, e.g. int = 1, j = i++;
, sequence point. covered c11 6.7.6/3, c99 6.7.5/3:
a full declarator declarator not part of declarator. end of full declarator sequence point.
so there sequence point after i = 1
, , code well-defined.
however, comma separator between function arguments f(i, i++)
not sequence point; code causes undefined behaviour.
note: in c11, term sequence point replaced more complicated sequencing relations in order specify threading model, not affect above discussion.
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