Show html file in alertdilaog builder in Android -

final alertdialog d = new alertdialog.builder(this)                 .seticon(r.drawable.ic_launcher)                 .setcancelable(false) // cant cancel pressing key pressing positive button                 .settitle("about")  // can done html style                 .setpositivebutton(android.r.string.ok, null)                 .setmessage(html.fromhtml("<i> etc etc stuff"))                 .create();      ; 

but have html file in raw folder want display html file formatted , have put required escape sequences etc stuff in html file in raw folder

what want display html file in .setmessage. getresources().open not working me

how it?

i used use code written above have html file in raw folder want display html file formatted , have put required escape sequences etc stuff in html file in raw folder

you want use webview:

webview webview = new webview(this); webview.loadurl("file:///android_res/raw/your_file_name.html"); 

and instead of

.setmessage(html.fromhtml("<i> etc etc stuff"))




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