r - ggplot2 extension and add-on packages -

i've used ggmap while , i've become aware of ggextra , cowplot. point me in direction of comprehensive list of ggplot2 add-on packages?

take @ http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggplot2/index.html , list of packages depend on starting point (particularly w/ gg in name). i've reproduced of link below.

reverse depends: alphahull, ampliconduo, aoristic, apsimr, arqas, bcrm, bde, benchmark, biomod2, bootnet, brms, caret, catenary, chemosensors, cinoedv, cjoint, climclass, climwin, clustrd, coefplot, conformal, copasutils, cowplot, crossover, dae, deducer, depthproc, dfexplore, differ, dmod, dslice, dynnom, earlywarnings, eeptools, esgtoolkit, fbroc, fishmove, freqparcoord, gapmap, gettingtothebottom, ggmap, ggmcmc, ggparallel, ggroc, ggswissmaps, ggtern, ggthemes, goplot, gpmap, granovagg, gsdesign, gse, hmisc, hyperspec, idm, intsvy, learnstats, likeltd, likert, localgauss, lsbclust, mcmc.otu, mcmc.qpcr, mcprofile, mergegui, meteogram, missingdatagui, mlr, mlxr, mosaic, mrmr, multilevelpsa, neatmap, nullabor, orgr, outbreaktools, paireddata, paswr2, pauwels2014, pawl, pbdprof, pcrcoal, pedcnv, pequod, perry, perspectev, phasetype, phylosim, pipe.design, pitchrx, pkgraph, pkreport, pointres, poped, popgraph, pptreeviz, precintcon, prevr, prisma, profiler, progguiinr, psaboot, qcatools, quadrupen, qualint, quickpsy, radiant, ram, rcell, rcmdrplugin.kmggplot2, rfpermute, rgraphics, right, rjafroc, rms, robusthd, rorutadis, rotations, rplos, rsa, rsda, rz, sciencespo, season, sglr, slackr, smarterpoland, smfi5, snht, soc.ca, sotkanet, sparktable, spcosa, spikeslabgam, spocc, sprm, statebins, swmpr, synthpop, tcr, tdr, timeline, trimatch, tripler, tspmeta, useful, userfriendlyscience, vdg, waffle, xkcd, yourcast, zooarch

reverse imports: adegenet, alm, antitrust, asremlplus, asvpc, baca, bbest, bdscale, bdvis, bear, biograph, biostatr, blowtorch, bmmix, breakpoint, broman, btspas, capm, caretensemble, causata, choroplethr, choroplethradmin1, classify, classyfire, clhs, clifro, complmrob, confidence, cooccur, cosinor, cosmophotoz, cplm, cutoffr, dcmr, describedisplay, dfit, diversity, dsm, dtr, dvhmetrics, dynsim, dynsurv, easyhtmlreport, ecogenetics, effectliter, ega, egcm, emil, epidynamics, erer, evolqg, extracat, ez, ezsim, faostat, fheatmap, fincal, fsrm, g2sd, gfcanalysis, ggally, ggdendro, ggenealogy, ggextra, ggrandomforests, ggsubplot, gitter, graphpca, greport, growcurves, growfunctions, hierarchicalds, highdimout, histdawass, hlmdiag, iat, kdetrees, kobe, llama, lmertest, lmms, locfdrpois, mapdk, marked, marmap, mavis, metagen, metamix, methplot, microbenchmark, micromap, mizer, mobilize, multidimbio, multimeta, ncappc, netgen, networkreporting, neuralnettools, ngramr, nmf, norrrm, oaxaca, opasnetutils, optirum, orderedlasso, p2c2m, pa, paleofire, partialar, performanceestimation, plot2groups, plotroc, pogit, popgenreport, poppr, predictmeans, premium, prf, primertree, proteomics, qdap, qgraph, qwraps2, rags2ridges, raltmetric, randomuniformforest, rbison, rds, repra, reproducer, rfigshare, rfisheries, rfmarkerdetector, rgauges, rgbif, rinat, rnoaa, robustem, robustlmm, rspace, rvertnet, rwbclimate, saesim, scglr, sdmvspecies, seqfeatr, sidier, simph, sixsigma, sjplot, smoof, solarius, sorvi, statar, stcm, structssi, strvalidator, survmisc, tcgsa, tigerstats, treatmentselection, treeclim, treemap, tvm, usaboundaries, vdmr, vmsbase, wats, wppexplorer, wq, x.ent


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