python - While loop break/continue not working for me -

i can't see why loop won't continue when input not float! addition issue, don't understand why python tries addition when non float input should terminate loop in exception.


tot1 = 0.0        count1 = 0.0     while(true):     inp1 = input('enter number or done end:')     try:         float(inp1)     except:         str(inp1)         if(inp1 == 'done'):             print("done!")             break         print("error")         continue         tot1 = tot1+inp1     count1 = count1+1  if(tot1 >0 , count1 >0):     print("average: ", tot/count ) 


traceback (most recent call last): file "c:/users/gregeraar/pycharmprojects/untitled/", line 16, in <module>     tot1 = tot1+inp1     typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) +: 'float' , 'str' 

check 'done' first cast float inp1 = float(inp1), don't need call str(inp1) string, furthermore nothing don't assign variable anyway.

tot1 = 0.0 count1 = 0.0 while true:     inp1 = input('enter number or done end:')     if inp1 == 'done':         print("done!")         break     try:         inp1 = float(inp1) # cast , reassign inp1     except valueerror: # catch specific errors         print("error")         continue     tot1 += inp1     count1 += 1   if tot1 > 0 , count1 > 0:     print("average: ", tot1 / count1 ) # tot1/count1 not tot/count 


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