database - Oracle DB : What is difference between spfile and init.ora file? -

i have tried understand through oracle docs not body please explain. difference between spfile , init.ora file?



  • init.ora or pfile(parameter file) simple text file can updated standard editor vi contains various initialization parameters used while starting database instance. here sample init.ora file:

db_cache_size = 176000m

db_2k_cache_size = 2048m

db_16k_cache_size = 99000m

db_keep_cache_size = 600000m

db_recycle_cache_size = 64000m

shared_pool_size = 14000m

  • we need restart database after editing init.ora using text editor changes can come effect.
  • if want start remote db need local pfile.
  • rman(recovery manager) helps in data backup recovery process not keep backup of pfile or init.ora file.


  • the oracle spfile binary representation of text based init.ora file or pfile( parameter file) contains various initialization parameters used while starting database instance.came existence in , after oracle 9i.

  • we not edit file using editor binary file , may corrupted , may lead database instance not starting rather altered using alter system query. example of editing spfile :
    alter system set open_cursors=300 scope=spfile;

  • the changes come effect after running alter system query , not need restart database.

  • we not need local copy in case of spfile if need start remote database.

  • as file maintained server parameters validated before accepted.
  • rman keeps backup of spfile.
  • by default our database uses pfile start can change , create spfile pfile or init.ora file using following query , don't need restart db.

    sqlplus / sydba; create spfile pfile='/u01/oracle/dbs/init.ora;


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