ios - How can I save the high score in sprite kit using swift? -

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im complete beginner @ programming. in following code want save high score , can't manage that. you'll i'm using nsuserdefaults doesn't show in screen once game over. appreciated. want high score show on screen , doesn't.

class wt: skscene {

let showmessage = sklabelnode() let tryagain = sklabelnode() var highscore = sklabelnode()    override func didmovetoview(view: skview) {      backgroundcolor = skcolor.blackcolor()      showmessage.fontname = "noteworthy-light"     showmessage.fontsize = 55     showmessage.fontcolor = skcolor.redcolor()     showmessage.text = "time's up!"     showmessage.position = cgpoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2, y: self.frame.size.height*0.7) = "show message"     showmessage.hidden = false     showmessage.zposition = 100      self.addchild(showmessage)      tryagain.fontname = "noteworthy-light"     tryagain.fontsize = 44     tryagain.fontcolor = skcolor.greencolor()     tryagain.text = "try again!"     tryagain.position = cgpoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2, y: self.frame.size.height/2 - 200) = "t.a"      self.addchild(tryagain)      highscore = sklabelnode(fontnamed: "noteworthy-light")     highscore.text = "0"     highscore.fontcolor = skcolor.whitecolor()     highscore.fontsize = 35     highscore.position = cgpoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2, y: self.frame.size.height/2) = "hs"       addchild(highscore)      var actionone = skaction.scaleby(0.9, duration: 0.3)      var actionsequence = skaction.sequence([actionone, actionone.reversedaction(), actionone, actionone.reversedaction()])      tryagain.runaction(skaction.repeatactionforever(actionsequence))   }  override func touchesbegan(touches: set<nsobject>, withevent event: uievent) {      var touch = touches.first as! uitouch     var location = touch.locationinnode(self)     var node = self.nodeatpoint(location)      if ( == "t.a"){          let myscene = game(size: self.size)         myscene.scalemode = scalemode         let reveal = sktransition.fadewithduration(1)         self.view?.presentscene(myscene, transition: reveal)      }  }  func savehighscore(highscore:int){       if let currenthighscore:int = nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults().valueforkey("highscore") as? int{          if(highscore > currenthighscore){              nsuserdefaults.setvalue(highscore, forkey: "highscore")         }     }else{          nsuserdefaults.setvalue(highscore, forkey: "highscore")     } } 


you might want synchronize settings after changing them write modifications disk. synchronize apple



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