docker - ubuntu 14.04 SuperDesk Raven not configured (logging is disabled) -

i installed clean ubuntu 14.04 x64 server machine on vmware esxi5.5 inside followed installation procedure sourcefabric's superdesk software described in

after running 'local demo' , 'create user' script @ end of file, following output:

warning:elasticsearch:put /superdesk [status:400 request:0.064s]

raven not configured (logging disabled). please see documentation more information. info:raven.base.client:raven not configured (logging disabled). please see documentation more information.

command finished with: {'password': '$the_password_hash.', 'is_active': true, 'user_type': 'administrator', 'needs_activation': false, 'session_preferences': {}, '_etag': 'acc4fd0363d32c1e3c283662ea6c0a8411044773', 'email': '', '_updated': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 13, 15, 30, 11, tzinfo=), 'username': 'admin'}

i wondering, logging limited in syslog now, how can raven logging system installed, can't seem find in current apt repositories...

raven sentry client, if have sentry running can set sentry_dsn env var avoid warning, otherwise can ignore it, should work fine without it. , doesn't mean without it disabled logging, should still there on stderr


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