c# - Function Running Sync When VS Says it should be running async -
why b run sync? vs says ."because call not awaited, execution of current method continues before call completed." ;
a) task.factory.startnew(() => funcation(1, 1)); //runs async b) funcation(1, 1); // says runs async in vs, runs sync. c) var handleone = task.run(() => { funcation(1, 1); }); // runs async d) await task.factory.startnew(() => funcation(1, 1)); //awaits correctly e) await funcation(1, 1); //awaits correctly static private async task<int> funcation(int x, int y) { task.delay(1000).wait(); }
the funcation
using async
keyword not await
in it's body run synchronously. function
not compile.
task.factory.startnew(() => funcation(1, 1)); //runs async
here create thread , on thread call function
asynchrounsly because running on thread.
funcation(1, 1);
marked async
not await
ed invoked. in case compiler not check whether function
using await
in it's body or not (it has told on function declaration). check invoking asynchronous method without awaiting it.
var handleone = task.run(() => { funcation(1, 1); }); // runs async
i'm not sure on one, if knows happens here please help.
await task.factory.startnew(() => funcation(1, 1)); //awaits correctly
same a await created task , ok. bad idea create task run asynchronous operation.
await funcation(1, 1); //awaits correctly
do except else happens? it's way should use async
, await
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