android - Posting savescreen to FB -
i need solve problem: want post on fb save screen app (i got save screen using function). works fine on android while on ipad crashes! please find function code below:
local function postonfb( event) tab3fields, { filename="ticket.jpg", basedir=system.documentsdirectory, isfullresolution=true, backgroundcolor={0, 0, 0, 0} } ) local fbappid = "4531113981xxxxx" local function fblistener( event ) if event.phase == "login" local attachment = { message="i champion!", source= {basedir=system.documentsdirectory, filename="ticket.jpg", type="image"} } facebook.request("me/photos", "post", attachment) native.showalert("facebook", "submitted!") end end -- photo uploading requires "publish_actions" permission facebook.login( fbappid, fblistener, { "publish_actions" } ) end
please help, getting crazy understand what's wrong! lot. ubaldo
here facebook sharing code:
basedir = system.documentsdirectory group , "screenshot.png", system.documentsdirectory ) local facebook = require "facebook" local fbappid = "898209xxxxxxxxx" function onloginsuccess() attachment = { message = "i got ".. score .. " blablabla", source = { basedir=system.documentsdirectory, filename="screenshot.png", type="image" } } facebook.request( "me/photos", "post", attachment ) end function fblistener( event ) if event.iserror native.showalert( "error", event.response, { "ok" } ) else if event.type == "session" , event.phase == "login" onloginsuccess() elseif event.type == "request" print("upload done") end end end facebook.login( fbappid, fblistener, { "publish_stream", "publish_actions" } )
ps have in build.settings?
plugins = { ["facebook"] = { publisherid = "com.coronalabs" }, },
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