android - Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one and already error when create any project -
there many answers on question on site think non of them work me
and here's errors:
[2015-06-13 19:37:02 - appcompat_v7] project has no file! edit project properties set one. [2015-06-13 19:37:02 - appcompat_v7] project has no file! edit project properties set one. [2015-06-13 19:47:07 - appcompat_v7] project has no file! edit project properties set one. [2015-06-13 19:59:00 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light'. [2015-06-13 19:59:00 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light'. eclipse\moving\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light.darkactionbar'. [2015-06-13 19:59:06 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light'. [2015-06-13 19:59:06 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light'. [2015-06-13 19:59:06 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light.darkactionbar'. [2015-06-13 19:59:12 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light'. [2015-06-13 19:59:12 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light'. [2015-06-13 19:59:12 - moving] eclipse\moving\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light.darkactionbar'.
import appcompat
1.file->import (android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7). choose "appcompat"
2.project-> properties->android. in section library "add" , choose "appcompat" , select build target api 21.
just clean project after that
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