osx - Python 2.7.9 Mac OS 10.10.3 Message "setCanCycle: is deprecated. Please use setCollectionBehavior instead" -
this first message , hope can me solve problem.
when launch python script have message :
2015-06-10 23:15:44.146 python[1044:19431] setcancycle: deprecated.please use setcollectionbehavior instead
2015-06-10 23:15:44.155 python[1044:19431] setcancycle: deprecated.please use setcollectionbehavior instead
below script :
from tkinter import * root = tk() root.geometry("450x600+10+10") root.title("booleanv1.0") cadre_1 = frame(root, width=400, height=100) cadre_1.pack(side='top') filea = label(cadre_1, text="file a") filea.grid(row=0,column=0) enta = entry(cadre_1, width=40) enta.grid(row=0,column=1, pady=10) open_filea = button(cadre_1, text='select', width=10, height=1, command = root.destroy) open_filea.grid(row=0, column=2) fileb = label(cadre_1, text="file b") fileb.grid(row=1,column=0) entb = entry(cadre_1, width=40) entb.grid(row=1,column=1, pady=10) open_fileb = button(cadre_1, text='select', width=10, height=1, command = root.destroy) open_fileb.grid(row=1, column=2) root.mainloop()
who can me explain message ?
how can remove message ?
ps : use anaconda 3.10.0 , spyder ide, have same problem when launch script terminal.
the version of tkinter library anaconda has installed compiled on older version of os x. warnings seeing aren't problem , go away once version of library compiled on more recent version of os x added anaconda repository. https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/forum/#!topic/anaconda/y1uwpfhsdyq
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