First row error with @rownum mysql -

i trying generate rownum mysql query. code.

select @rownum:=@rownum+1 rowno, (`plgap_nos`.`no_id` - 1) `no_id` `plgap_nos`,      (select @rownum:=0) r limit 0, 10 

while works fine, rownum of first row shoes 1621 , not 0.

it tried differnt code below. still same error persists.

select coalesce(@rownum:=@rownum+1,0) rank,        (`cnxnifty_plgap_nos`.`no_id` - 1) `no_id` `money_database`.`cnxnifty_plgap_nos`,      (select @rownum:=0) r limit 0, 10 

it seems committing silly error not being able figure. can help.

additional info- how data looks-

rank     no_id
1621     0
1           7
2           18
3           21
4           33
5           37
6           45

i want clear. following code exhibits same problem?

select (@rn := @rn + 1) rowno, (p.no_id - 1) no_id plgap_nos p cross join      (select @rn := 0) params order p.no_id limit 0, 10; 

the variable assignment in select should executed after from initialization. have not seen mysql initializations in wrong order (which 1 reason behavior seeing).

the changes made query (cross join instead of comma, order by, , table alias) should not affect result set. however, scoping semantics of cross join different ,, there small, small possibility cross join might end fixing problem.


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