Android Drag and Drop, Click, and Scroll in a Listview -

so have layout such: example of layout

i using listview right , each row has imageview , 2 textviews.

i want able 3 things on page:

  1. clicking on row (or clicking on imageview in row works me too) brings me fragment.
  2. you can drag image in each listview row. uses dragshadowbuilder , therefore can detect if drop darker gray zone in bottom.
  3. you can scroll , down in listview other items overflowing right now.

as can imagine, these 3 cases difficult capture because hard differentiate between 3 (bc of overlaps in functionality).

i prefer not use onitemlongclicklistener drag , drop bc users don't think hold fingers down long time start drag , drop.

any suggestions on how implement capture 3 use cases? actually, can thought of 2 use cases because if dropped image original container, count click me. complex part make somehow work scrolling , down listview...

thanks in advance!

p.s. entire view rendered in fragment , clicking on view or dropping 1 gray area opens separate fragment.

 /**  * call drag source view.  */ @suppresslint("newapi") public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent ev) {     if (!mdragging) {         return false;     }      final int action = ev.getaction();     final int screenx = clamp((int)ev.getrawx(), 0, mdisplaymetrics.widthpixels);     final int screeny = clamp((int)ev.getrawy(), 0, mdisplaymetrics.heightpixels);      switch (action) {     case motionevent.action_down:         // remember motion event started         mmotiondownx = screenx;         mmotiondowny = screeny;         break;     case motionevent.action_move:         //set background color of remove comment box layout         if(((int)ev.gety() <= 50))             imageeditingactivitynew.rl_remove.setbackgroundcolor(;         else             imageeditingactivitynew.rl_remove.setbackgroundcolor(color.transparent);          // update drag view.  don't use clamped pos here dragging looks         // goes off screen little, intead of bumping against edge.         mdragview.move((int)ev.getrawx(), (int)ev.getrawy());          // drop on someone?         final int[] coordinates = mcoordinatestemp;         droptarget droptarget = finddroptarget(screenx, screeny, coordinates);         if (droptarget != null) {             if (mlastdroptarget == droptarget) {                 droptarget.ondragover(mdragsource, coordinates[0], coordinates[1],(int) mtouchoffsetx, (int) mtouchoffsety, mdragview, mdraginfo);             } else {                 if (mlastdroptarget != null) {                     mlastdroptarget.ondragexit(mdragsource, coordinates[0], coordinates[1],(int) mtouchoffsetx, (int) mtouchoffsety, mdragview, mdraginfo);                 }                 droptarget.ondragenter(mdragsource, coordinates[0], coordinates[1],                     (int) mtouchoffsetx, (int) mtouchoffsety, mdragview, mdraginfo);             }         } else {             if (mlastdroptarget != null) {                 mlastdroptarget.ondragexit(mdragsource, coordinates[0], coordinates[1],                     (int) mtouchoffsetx, (int) mtouchoffsety, mdragview, mdraginfo);             }         }         mlastdroptarget = droptarget;           /* original launcher activity supports delete region , scrolling.            not needed in example.          // scroll, maybe, not if we're in delete region.         boolean indeleteregion = false;         if (mdeleteregion != null) {             indeleteregion = mdeleteregion.contains(screenx, screeny);         }         //log.d(tag, "indeleteregion=" + indeleteregion + " screenx=" + screenx         //        + " mscrollzone=" + mscrollzone);         if (!indeleteregion && screenx < mscrollzone) {             if (mscrollstate == scroll_outside_zone) {                 mscrollstate = scroll_waiting_in_zone;                 mscrollrunnable.setdirection(scroll_left);                 mhandler.postdelayed(mscrollrunnable, scroll_delay);             }         } else if (!indeleteregion && screenx > scrollview.getwidth() - mscrollzone) {             if (mscrollstate == scroll_outside_zone) {                 mscrollstate = scroll_waiting_in_zone;                 mscrollrunnable.setdirection(scroll_right);                 mhandler.postdelayed(mscrollrunnable, scroll_delay);             }         } else {             if (mscrollstate == scroll_waiting_in_zone) {                 mscrollstate = scroll_outside_zone;                 mscrollrunnable.setdirection(scroll_right);                 mhandler.removecallbacks(mscrollrunnable);             }         }         */         break;     case motionevent.action_up:         //when touch remove comment box          if(((int)ev.gety() <= 50)) {             imageeditingactivity.rl_imageedit_comment.removeallviews();             imageeditingactivity.rl_imageedit_comment.invalidate();             //imageeditingactivity.mdraglayer.removeview(imageeditingactivity.rl_imageedit_comment);             imageeditingactivity.addcomment = true;             imageeditingactivity.changeiconbackground("remove");             imageeditingactivity.editparam.addrule(relativelayout.align_parent_bottom);         }          if (mdragging) {             drop(screenx, screeny);         }          enddrag();         break;     case motionevent.action_cancel:         canceldrag();     }      return true; } 


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